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U.S. Trade by Commodity with Africa
(Millions of Dollars; Total Exports, F.a.s. and General Imports, Customs)
SITC Rev 3 Commodity 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
  _________ EXPORTS ________          
0 Food And Live Animals 1,820 2,068 1,850 1,964 2,153
1 Beverages And Tobacco 225 89 35 25 28
2 Crude Materials, Inedible, Except Fuels 282 297 320 279 308
3 Mineral Fuels, Lubricants And Related Materials 181 221 213 224 250
4 Animal And Vegetable Oils, Fats And Waxes 174 117 125 190 230
5 Chemicals And Related Products 756 898 1,151 896 897
6 Manufactured Goods Classified Chiefly By Material 699 709 598 651 634
7 Machinery And Transport Equipment 4,550 5,284 6,749 5,206 5,009
8 Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 909 936 905 856 836
9 Commodities & Transactions Not Classified Elsewhe 314 341 424 368 342
. TOTAL 9,909 10,960 12,369 10,658 10,685
  Top 20 Commodities          
792 Aircraft & Associated Equipment 1,287 1,973 2,588 1,820 1,273
41 Wheat And Meslin, Unmilled 844 974 750 698 1,038
723 Civil Engineering & Contractors' Plant & Equipmen 586 626 882 945 983
44 Maize (Not Including Sweet Corn) Unmilled 521 596 617 720 559
764 Telecommunications Equipment 347 364 553 324 338
781 All Motor Vehicles 119 91 188 196 257
891 Arms And Ammunition 338 357 284 326 246
994 Estimated Low Value Shipments 196 208 255 210 216
782 Special Purpose Motor Vehicles 115 97 156 129 191
874 Measuring/Checking/Analysing Instuments 148 136 165 140 171
421 Fixed Vegetable Fats & Oils 126 67 93 120 149
728 Machinery Specialized For Particular Industries 110 126 125 106 141
752 Automatic Data Process Machines 175 203 172 122 129
81 Feeding Stuff For Animals 97 161 176 165 128
744 Mechanical Handling Equipment 107 105 143 135 123
335 Residual Petroleum Products 79 97 118 122 122
784 Parts And Accessories Of Motor Vehicles 95 152 258 83 122
931 Special Transactions Not Classified By Kind 79 104 158 150 119
759 Parts For Office Machines & ADP Machines 119 119 92 87 114
679 Iron & Steel Tubes, Pipes & Fittings 163 49 107 139 113
  _________ IMPORTS ________          
0 Food And Live Animals 729 793 744 842 1,076
1 Beverages And Tobacco 92 61 79 88 78
2 Crude Materials, Inedible, Except Fuels 772 728 655 621 647
3 Mineral Fuels, Lubricants And Related Materials 10,702 20,279 17,678 14,258 23,077
4 Animal And Vegetable Oils, Fats And Waxes 14 12 17 6 10
5 Chemicals And Related Products 248 335 464 409 570
6 Manufactured Goods Classified Chiefly By Material 2,318 3,029 2,966 2,720 3,016
7 Machinery And Transport Equipment 466 550 803 792 926
8 Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 1,237 1,491 1,682 1,771 2,243
9 Commodities & Transactions Not Classified Elsewhe 377 360 337 637 392
. TOTAL 16,956 27,638 25,425 22,144 32,035
  Top 20 Commodities          
333 Crude Oil 8,228 16,290 14,283 12,222 19,926
334 Oil (Not Crude) 2,210 3,553 2,700 1,731 2,237
681 Silver, Platinum & Other Platinum Group Metals 1,023 1,529 1,534 1,173 1,272
667 Pearls, Precious & Semiprecious Stones 386 454 527 587 718
845 Articles Of Apparel Of Textile Fabrics 264 368 435 463 584
842 Women/Girls Coats, Not Knit 250 322 395 407 553
841 Men's Or Boy's Coats, Jackets Etc, Not Knit 368 435 427 431 502
343 Natural Gas, Whether Or Not Liquefied 134 155 362 110 483
72 Cocoa 333 311 276 323 469
342 Liquefied Propane And Butane 105 210 296 153 398
781 All Motor Vehicles 23 256 267 374
931 Special Transactions Not Classified By Kind 249 320 288 588 326
671 Pig Iron and Iron & Steel Powder 265 276 183 183 223
75 Spices 28 42 100 136 211
844 Women's Or Girls' Coats, Capes, Knit 73 81 108 146 199
843 Men's Or Boys' Coats, Jackets, Knitted 68 65 90 106 159
288 Nonferrous Base Metal Waste & Scrap 187 169 148 160 142
512 Alcohols, Phenols & Halogenated Derivatives 5 8 45 68 127
57 Fruit and Nuts, Fresh Or Dried 64 57 48 64 109
743 Pumps, Air Or Other Gas Compressors And Fans 44 76 174 134 107

Top 20 commodities are sorted by 2003 values. Unrevised data. "." represents no trade while "0" represents trade less than $.5 million. Last updated 12/14/2004

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