NOAA Coastal Services Center

Digital Coast


Storm Mapping Tutorial

Tool Description

NOAA creates and distributes valuable weather information before, during, and after hurricanes. Examples include rainfall forecasts, flash flood warnings, wind speed forecasts, and cumulative rainfall estimates. Many of these data sets are available on the Internet but are scattered over many websites and are in different formats. This tutorial guides users, click by click, through the process of downloading, converting, and displaying these data in a geographic information system (GIS). A GIS allows users to display NOAA data with local data (e.g., roads, critical facilities, and vulnerable populations) to get a better picture of storm impacts on a community.

Sample Functions
  • Discusses where to find NOAA National Weather Service data and other related resources
  • Gives basic directions on how to use GIS for cartographic production
  • Provides guidance on standard cartographic principles in designing specific presentation-quality maps
User Requirements
  • ArcGIS, ArcView version 8.x or higher with the Spatial Analyst extension
    Contact Information:
    Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
For Additional Information

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