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NIDA Home > Publications > Director's Reports > September, 2007 Index    

Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse - September, 2007


NIDA Publications

Research Report Series: Tobacco Addiction (Spanish)
NIH Pub. No. 07-4342(S)

Describes what tobacco is, presents current epidemiological research data regarding its use, and reports on the medical consequences of tobacco use. Emphasizes the effects on the brain as well as current research findings about use during pregnancy. Includes treatment approaches.

Research Report Series: Anabolic Steroids (Spanish Revision)
NIH Pub. No. 07- 3721

Provides an authoritative, unbiased overview of anabolic steroid use and its effects. Brings together most recent findings from drug research and surveys on drug abuse by youth.

College on Problems of Drug Dependence
NIH Pub. No. 07-6201

This publication is more than just a "proceedings" from a meeting--it is valued as one of the only research tools and references for scientists and other professionals in the drug abuse field. It is the most comprehensive gathering of scientific information on all aspects of substance abuse and is invaluable to researchers and other scientists.

Brain Power! Challenge
NIH Pub. No. 07-5181

NIDA has recently completed Brain Power! Challenge for middle school students. This is the continuation of the Brain Power! series that now spans from kindergarten through middle school. The materials include six lessons as well as student activities and handouts. Students have the opportunity to learn about their brain, how it works, and the impact that various drugs have on the brain and body. The materials that were developed for kindergarten through fourth grade have been extremely popular and it is anticipated that the middle school version will be even more popular. NIDA is currently conducting a formal evaluation of the entire set of materials.

Heads Up: Real News About Drugs and Your Body: Student Compilation
This booklet is a collection of articles designed to teach youth in grades 6-12 about how drugs of abuse affect the brain and body. Topics covered are The Science of Addiction, Tobacco Addiction and Secondhand Smoke, Stress and Drug Abuse, and Health Literacy and Drug Abuse. These articles were distributed in Scholastic magazines nationwide during the 2006/2007 school year.

Heads Up: Real News About Drugs and Your Body: Teacher's Compilation
This booklet provides skill-building extension activities and further resources to those included for students. Topics covered are The Science of Addiction, Tobacco Addiction and Secondhand Smoke, Stress and Drug Abuse, and Health Literacy and Drug Abuse. These "teacher editions" were distributed nationwide during the 2006/2007 school year with Scholastic student magazines containing Heads Up articles.

Marijuana: What Parents Need to Know (Rev. 2007)
NIH Pub. No. 07-4036

Provides research-based information on the dangers of marijuana. Gives parents explanations of the latest scientific information about the drug and suggestions on how to talk to teenagers about this drug.


NIDA NOTES: Collection of Articles That Address Drugs & AIDS (Rev. 2007)
Presents 40 articles from 1995 to 2006. Includes titles such as "Drug Abuse Treatment Programs Make Gains in Methadone Treatment and HIV Prevention," "Prevention Programs for HIV-Positive Youths Reduces Risks of Further HIV Transmission," "NIDA Launches HIV/AIDS Public Awareness Campaign" and "Expanded HIV Testing: Benefits May Warrant Costs."

A Collection of NIDA NOTES Articles that Address Research on Drug Abuse Treatment
Revised 2007 * NCADI #NN0026

This updated collection includes articles published in NIDA NOTES from 1997 through February 2007. These articles discuss behavioral and medications treatment for drug abuse and addiction, benefits and efficacy evaluations of treatment strategies and components, and ancillary services.

A Collection of NIDA NOTES Articles that Address Research on Cocaine
Revised 2007 * NCADI #NN0066

This revised collection features NIDA NOTES articles originally published from 1995 through April 2007. It includes titles such as "Behavioral Response to Novelty Foreshadows Neurological Response to Cocaine;" "Cocaine Abusers' Pretreatment Cue Responses Predict Recovery Success;" "Brain Changes Accompany Cocaine Withdrawal;" and "Serotonin System May Have Potential as a Target for Cocaine Medications."

A Collection of NIDA NOTES Articles that Address Research on Heroin
Revised 2007 * NCADI #NN0023

This collection of NIDA NOTES includes research-based articles on heroin that were published from 1998 through 2006. Topics range from office-based buprenorphine treatment to HIV risk prevention programs for IV drug users.

A Collection of NIDA NOTES Articles that Address Research on Marijuana
Revised 2007 * NCADI #NN0058

This revised collection features NIDA NOTES articles originally published from 1995 through 2007. Topics include long-term cognitive impairments in heavy marijuana users, evidence that chronic marijuana users experience withdrawal upon quitting, the influence of genes and the environment on drug abuse vulnerability, the body's natural THC-like compounds, epidemiology, prevention, and treatment.

CTN-Related Publications

Eight editions of the CTN Bulletin Board were distributed. The Bulletin Board is an electronic report on the progress of the protocols, committees, and node activity in the CTN.

International Program E-News Letter
The NIDA International Program issues an E-News Letter every other month to inform the international drug abuse research community about recent events, funding opportunities, NIDA's research training and exchange programs for international scientists, and forthcoming meetings. The June 2007 edition announced the newly created INVEST/CTN Drug Abuse Research Fellowships and reported on the NIDA International Forum, 2007 Awards of Excellence, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2007 World Drug Report.

NIH Record Highlights Fellows' Orientation
The NIDA International Program orientation for INVEST and Hubert H. Humphrey Drug Abuse Research Fellows was featured in the May 4, 2007, NIH Record, the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health, which is available online at:

Other Publications

Bukoski, W.J., and Compton, W.M. Drug Abuse Research Collaboration in the 21st Century. In: Scheier, L. M., & Dewey, W. L. (2007). The Complete Writing Guide to NIH Behavioral Science Grants. New York: Oxford University Press.

Compton, W.M., Thomas, Y.F., Stinson, F.S., and Grant, B.F. Prevalence, Correlates, Disability, and Comorbidity of DSM-IV Drug Abuse and Dependence in the United States: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Archives of General Psychiatry 64, pp. 566-576, 2007.

Compton, W.M. Understanding the Social Epidemiology of Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 32(6S):S139-140, 2007.

Conway, K.P., Montoya, I.D., and Compton, W.M. Lifetime Psychiatric Comorbidity of Illicit Drug Use Disorders. Psychiatric Times 24(4), pp. 22-25, 2007.

Goldstein, R.B., Dawson, D.A., Saha, T.D., Ruan, W.J, Compton, W.M., and Grant, B.F. Antisocial Behavioral Syndromes and DSM-IV Alcohol Use Disorders: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 31(5), pp. 814-828, 2007.

Pickering, R.P., Grant, B.F., Chou, S.P., and Compton,W. Are Overweight, Obesity, and Extreme Obesity Associated with Psychopathology? Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 68, pp. 998-1009, 2007.

Gold, J.I., Belmont, K.A., and Thomas. D.A. The Neurobiology of Virtual Reality Pain Attenuation, CyberPsychology & Behavior, 10(4) pp. 536-544, 2007.

Swieter, M. Peer Review at the National Institutes of Health. In: The Complete Writing Guide to NIH Behavioral Science Grants, eds. Scheier, L.M. and Dewey, W.L. Oxford University Press, 2007.

Green, M.R. Navigating the Maze: Electronic Submission. In: The Complete Writing Guide to NIH Behavioral Science Grants, eds. Scheier, L.M. and Dewey, W.L. Oxford University Press, 2007.

Elkashef, A.M., Rawson, R.A., Anderson, A., Smith, E.V., Chiang, N., Kahn, R., Pierce, V.J., Li, S-H., Vocci, F., Ling, W., Haning, W., McCann, M., Mawhinney, J., Campbell, J., Weis, D., Gorodetzky, C., Carlton, B. and Tyson, H. Bupropion for the Treatment of Methamphetamine Dependence. Neuropsychopharmacology 2007 ( epub) 20 June 2007.

Elkashef, A., Biswas, J., Acri, J.B., and Vocci, F. Biotechnology and the Treatment of Addictive Disorders : New Opportunities. BioDrugs. 21(4), pp. 259-267, 2007.

Kautz, M.A., Thomas, M.L., and Caldwell, J.L. Considerations of Pharmacology on Fitness for Duty in the Operational Environment. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 78(5 Suppl): B107-112, 2007.

Vahabzadeh, M., Lin, J.-L., Mezghanni, M., Contoreggi, C., and Leff, M. An EHR-Based Multi-Site Recruiting System for Clinical Trials. Proc. 20th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2007), pp. 331-336, 2007.

Vahabzadeh, M., Lin, J.-L., Epstein, D.H., Mezghanni, M., Schmittner, J., and Preston K.L. Computerized Contingency Management for Motivating Behavior Change: Automated Tracking and Dynamic Reward Reinforcement Management. Proc. 20th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2007), pp. 85-90, 2007.

Martelle, J.L., Claytor, R., Ross, J., Newman, A.H., and Nader, M.A. Effects Of Two Novel D3-Selective Compounds, NGB 2904 and CJB 090, on the Reinforcing and Discriminative Stimulus Effects of Cocaine in Rhesus Monkeys. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 321, pp. 573-582, 2007.

Kulkarni S.S, and Newman, A.H. Discovery of Heterobicyclic Templates for Novel Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Subtype 5 Antagonists. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 17, pp. 2987-2991, 2007.

Vaughan, R.A., Sakrikar, D.S., Parnas, M.L., Adkins, S., Foster, J.D., Lever, J.R., Kulkarni, S. S., and Newman, A.H. Localization of Cocaine Analog [125I]RTI 82 Irreversible Binding to Transmembrane Domain Six of the Dopamine Transporter. J Biol Chem 282, pp. 8915-8925, 2007.

Pritchard, L.M., Newman, A.H., Logue, A.D., McNamara, R.K., Taylor, B., Welge, J.A., Xu, M., Zhang, J., and Richtand, N.M. D3 Dopamine Receptor Antagonist NGB 2904 Increases Basal and Amphetamine-Stimulated Locomotion. Pharmacology Biochem Behav 86, pp. 718-726. E-pub March 6, 2007.

Collins, G.T., Newman, A.H., Grundt, P., Rice, K.C., Husbands, S.M., Chauvignac, C., Chen, J., Wang, S., and Woods, J.H. In vivo D3 Receptor Selectivity of Dopamine Agonists and Antagonists by Analysis of Yawning and Hypothermia in Rats. Psychopharmacology, 193, pp. 159-170. E-pub April 2, 2007.

Newman, A.H., Grundt, P., Cyriac, G.C., and Luedtke, R. 4-Phenylpiperazine Derivatives with Functionalized Linkers as Dopamine D3 Receptor Selective Ligands and Methods of Use. U.S. Provisional Patent Application filed June 15, 2007.


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