Working Groups
Alien Plant Working Group
Medicinal Plant Working Group
Restoration Working Group
Plant Conservation Alliance


What is the Plant Conservation Alliance (PCA)?

The PCA is a consortium of ten federal government Member agencies and over 225 non-federal Cooperators representing various disciplines within the conservation field: biologists, botanists, habitat preservationists, horticulturists, resources management consultants, soil scientists, special interest clubs, non-profit organizations, concerned citizens, nature lovers, and gardeners. PCA Members and Cooperators work collectively to solve the problems of native plant extinction and native habitat restoration, ensuring the preservation of our ecosystem.

PCA embodies the axiom "think globally, act locally." Federal plant conservation resources are pooled at the national level to provide a focused, strategic approach to plant conservation at the local level on public and private lands, eliminating duplication of effort and increasing the effectiveness of these programs.

Each year, PCA awards thousands of dollars for on-the-ground conservation and restoration projects through a matching funds grant program administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Since PCA's inception in 1994, grants have been awarded for more than 160 projects totaling over $7,000,000 in federal funds and matching non-federal contributions. However, native plant conservation does not consist of funding alone; PCA, a public-private partnership, also serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas, expertise and information between public and private organizations engaged in habitat restoration and preservation. These exchanges take place in various forms of public outreach, including e-mail lists, postal mailings, a website, a bi-monthly newsletter, and meetings. The meetings take place six times a year in Washington, DC. All Cooperators and Members are invited to attend these public meetings on a voluntary basis, but travel expenses must be paid for by the participating individual or organization.

Through this dual approach of on-the-ground conservation combined with targeted public outreach, PCA strives to achieve its mission:

"To protect native plants by ensuring that native plant populations and their communities are maintained, enhanced, and restored"

For more information about the Plant Conservation Alliance, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

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Last updated: 03-Jun-2005