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Accident Report - Fatal Facts


Accident Type: Crushing Image - Fatal Facts No. 45
Weather Conditions: Clear/Sunny
Type of Operation: Trenching and Excavation
Size of Work Crew: 3
Collective Bargaining No
Competent Safety Monitor on Site: No
Safety and Health Program in Effect: No*
Was the Worksite Inspected Regularly: No
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Laborer
Age & Sex: 25-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 18 Months
Time on Project: 1 Day


A three-man crew was digging a trench for a new sewer line using a backhoe. The backhoe was very poorly maintained. Among other problems, its starter button did not work, and the safety catch on the gear shift was broken. In order to start the machine, the operator used a screwdriver to engage the starter. When the gear shift engaged, the vehicle lurched forward, running over the victim.

* Firm had a safety and health training program but it had not properly dealt with safe work practices.


OSHA issued two serious citations to the employer based on its failure to properly train employees in safe work practices and deficiencies on the backhoe including the inoperable starter button, the broken lock for the safety catch on the gear shift and an inoperable emergency/parking brake.


  1. Train employees to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions associated with their work [29 CFR 1926.21(b)(2)].
  2. Identify equipment which does not meet OSHA requirements by tagging it or locking the controls to render them inoperable or by physically removing the defective equipment from the worksite [29 CFR 1926.20(b)(3)]

  • OSHA General Industry Standards [CFR parts 1900-1910] and OSHA Construction Standards [CFR Part 1926] which together include all OSHA job safety and health rules and regulations covering construction.
  • OSHA Safety and Health Training Guidelines for Construction (Available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; 703/487-4650; Order No. PB-239-312/AS): a set of 15 guidelines to help construction employers establish a training program in the safe use of equipment, tools, and machinery on the job.
  • Courses in construction safety are offered by the OSHA Training Institute, 1555 Times Driie, Des Plaines, IL 60018, 312/297-481O.
  • OSHA-funded free consultation services. Consult your telephone directory for the number of your local OSHA area or regional office for further assistance and advice (listed under U.S. Labor Department or under the state government section where states administer their own OSHA programs).
  • Excavation and Trenching Operations (OSHA 2226) is a 20-page booklet describing pertinent OSHA standards in detail.
NOTE:  The case here described was selected as being representative of fatalities caused by improper work practices. No special emphasis or priority is implied nor is the case necessarily a recent occurrence. The legal aspects of the incident have been resolved, and the case is now closed.
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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210