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Juvenile Chum Salmon Migration & Distribution in the Gulf of Alaska

ABL Home
Ocean Carrying Capacity (OCC)
Stock Identification & Assessment Program (SIDA):
Chinook Coastwide DNA Baseline
Chinook SE Alaska DNA Baseline
Chum Coastwide DNA Baseline
Chum Bycatch Stock ID
Juvenile Chum Migration
Northern Boundary Sockeye
Forage Fish Population Structure
Juvenile Rockfish Species ID
The Staff
Division Activities:
Processing juvenile salmon catch on OCC survey
Processing juvenile salmon catch on OCC survey.

Juvenile chum salmon are an integral component of the North Pacific Ocean ecosystem and have figured prominently in investigations targeted at understanding ecosystem function. Juvenile chum salmon were collected during trawl surveys conducted by the Auke Bay Laboratory's Ocean Carrying Capacity Program (OCC), in conjunction with GLOBEC (Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics), over a multi-year period. Genetic data obtained from these fish are being used to identify the contribution of regional groups of chum salmon populations from Washington to south-central Alaska around the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) in summer-fall 2000-2004. Stock-group abundance models of wild and hatchery chum salmon will be developed to determine the impact of large numbers of hatchery produced chum salmon on the survival of wild stocks in the GOA.

Previous migration models of juvenile chum salmon in the GOA indicate a counter-clockwise movement pattern where the juveniles leaving nearshore waters of North America migrate along the continental shelf, typically north and then west, before entering offshore waters in fall and winter. Little is known about many aspects of this migration such as migration rates, abundance and distribution of specific population groupings along this corridor, and point of debarkation where the juveniles move from coastal to offshore waters.

Genetic stock identification of juvenile chum salmon captured during the 2001 OCC/GLOBEC summer survey aboard the F/V Great Pacific
Genetic stock identification of juvenile chum salmon captured during the 2001 OCC/GLOBEC summer survey aboard the F/V Great Pacific.

Co-investigators and cooperating agencies:
OCC Program

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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