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Welcome to the ASDL

We are implementing a new webpage with many new features. The page is still partially under construction, but is fully functional. The material you used to access through the url is now under the Collection tab. Same great material - brand new look. While on the site we hope that you will also explore the other features of the site: the ASDL Community, the Journal of the ASDL (JASDL) and Active Learning curricular materials developed through this project.

ASDL is proud to be partnered with the Analytical Chemistry Division of ACS. Read more...

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The Analytical Sciences Digital Library is possible thanks to the support of NSF grants DUE 0121518 to the University of Kansas, DUE 0531941 to the University of California - Riverside, and DUE 0435422 to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

The Analytical Sciences Digital Library Community is possible thanks to the support of NSF grant DUE-0937751 to DePauw University
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).