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Transcript: Fulbright Signing Ceremony

USAID Administrator and Director of Foreign Assistance Henrietta Fore
U.S. Embassy Pristina Charge d' Affaires Tina Kaidanow
Minister of Education Science and Technology Enver Hoxhaj
Chairman of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Rexhep Haxhimusa
Karyn Posner-Mullen, PAO, US Embassy Pristina

National and University Library
Pristina, Kosovo
May 17, 2008

Karyn Posner-Mullen, PAO, US Embassy Pristina: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to today's Signing Ceremony. My name is Karyn Posner Mullen, and I am the Director of Public Affairs at the U.S. Embassy here in Pristina. I am very honored to present our guests here today, and they are USAID Administrator and Director of Foreign Assistance Henrietta Fore, our U.S. Embassy Pristina Charge d' Affaires Tina Kaidanow, Minister of Education Science and Technology Enver Hoxhaj, and the Chairman of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Rexhep Haxhimusa.

Today the U.S. Government will be signing two different, but equally significant, agreements with the Ministry and the Kosovo Judicial Council. The first agreement is with the Minister of Education. The Ministry will be funding two student scholarships, as a part of the Crown Jewel of our scholarship program in the United States, the Fulbright Program. The Fulbright program has a long and distinguished history of exchanging scholars around the world. Kosovo has been participating since 2002, with Fulbright Scholars. This new agreement marks a new step because the Kosovo Government is providing funds for two Kosovars to obtain advanced degrees from Universities in the United States.

The second agreement confirms U.S. Government support of the Kosovo Judicial Council. The Council is the independent body governing the Judiciary. It is responsible for administering the Court, providing oversight of judges and helping ensure that judges and court administrators have the most up to date knowledge and skills, and uphold the highest ethics. The American people, through USAID, will support the KJC in carrying out its responsibilities over the next three years.

Now, I am very proud to invite Minister Hoxhaj to speak. Minister Hoxhaj.

Minister Enver Hoxhaj: Very respected Mrs. Fore, Mrs. Kaidanow, Mr. Haxhimusa, honored Ladies and Gentleman. We are very honored by the visit to Kosovo by the USAID Administrator and the Director of Foreign Assistance, Mrs. Henrietta Fore. Overall, we are honored by her presence at this solemn ceremony which is very important for Kosovo and all its citizens. Today is very important especially for the new generation, for Kosovo youth. Since, as of today, Kosovo is becoming a part of the privileged countries and governments that are equal participants in the Fulbright program -- one of the best programs on earth, the most well-known and the one that has always included the most eminent academics. In reality, this program has financed every year since 2002, two academics studies in the United States at the most prestigious universities, thus helping Pristina University and our academic world. Also, this program has made it possible for the most famous American academics to come to Pristina University and the American University in Kosovo, thereby helping our academic community become international.

The specific development today is that this program -- for the first time -- will be given to students who have just received their bachelor's degree. They will have the opportunity to continue their Masters studies at the most prestigious universities in the United States of America. This was a joint initiative of the Ministry of Education and the U.S. Embassy in Pristina. The fields that these young people will study are the fields the Kosovo Government, as well as the U.S. Embassy, believe are an economic priority. Therefore, the scholarships to be awarded will be in the fields of Public Administration, Economy, Computer Science, Energy and Mining.

This is a distinguished day and I am honored to be present at this ceremony as the representative of the Kosovo Government, as we are to sign the first bilateral agreement of academic cooperation between the Government of Kosovo -- the Ministry of Education -- and the U.S. Embassy.

Finally, allow me to thank Ms. Kaidanow, Charge d' Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Pristina, Ms. Karyn Posner-Mullen, Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy Pristina, and Ms. Laura Hochla for their support for Kosovo's education. For us, the presence of Mrs. Fore is an extraordinary and solemn event. In the future we are very certain Government of Kosovo's cooperation with the U.S. will only intensify. Therefore, I congratulate the students of Kosovo who are able to apply for the new program. To conclude, I have to note that the scholarships are to be administrated by the U.S. Embassy in Pristina, and as of today you may visit the webpage of the U.S. Embassy in Pristina. It is our hope that these youth become the future leadership of Kosovo. (applause)

Karyn Posner-Mullen, PAO, U.S. Embassy Pristina: Thank you very much Mr. Minister. And now Judge Haxhimusa will add a few words about the Kosovo Judicial Council. Thank you, Judge.

Judge Haxhimusa: Honored Mrs. Henrieta Fore, Mrs. Kaidanow, Mr Hoxhaj.

First of all, I want to welcome you to the newest country on earth and, at the same time, express my deepest appreciation and respect for the institution you represent, USAID, The Government of the United States of America as well as you personally.

Allow me to use this opportunity to express our gratitude for the support given by USAID and the help that has been given to the Kosovo Judiciary since 1999. With USAID's help, there have been a lot of changes made in the Judiciary -- changes that have to do with the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the judicial system of Kosovo. Since 1999/2000 the Government of the United States of America, through the Agency for International Development, has helped to revive and rebuild the judicial system in Kosovo. This support continues as we speak, and we hope to continue further cooperation. Thanks to USAID assistance, there have been improvements in advancing judicial administration and several trainings for judges and judge's assistants that have taken place. Court proceedings such as archiving cases, execution of court decisions, setting the deadlines, etc., are improved and more efficient. In addition, valuable help has been given on drafting laws and secondary legislation, and in building and developing institutional capacities of the Judicial Council and, especially its Secretariat.

During this period, we have managed to establish an independent judicial system and have managed to keep it that way. The Judicial Council of Kosovo has been established as the highest independent body in charge of an independent branch of authority. The Secretariat for supporting the work of the judiciary has been established and, perhaps most importantly, the judges and workers of the judicial administration in managing and organizing the Kosovo Judicial System are held accountable for its success.

As the Chairman of the Kosovo Judiciary, I am aware that our fundamental responsibility is towards the public: Kosovo citizens that we serve. After Kosovo's declaration of independence, which established a new state, we are very much aware of the importance of the rule of law, and of guaranteeing and protecting human rights and freedoms in Kosovo, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or gender. The Kosovo Judiciary and other institutions that deal with the implementation of law are the guardians and protectors of human rights and freedoms. We are the principal in exercising the law.

This is a great responsibility for all of us, for the judicial system, as well as for the other two authorities like the Kosovo Assembly and the Government.

We are aware that the process of reforms and changes requires time, engagement and continued commitment. Therefore, our cooperation with members of the international community, especially USAID, will continue so that reforms of the judicial system can be completed successfully and soon.

We might face some of the challenges we have dealt with in the past. But we will overcome them with our commitment and continued cooperation, especially with the help of USAID experts, and through other forms of support, including close cooperation with UNMIK and EULEX representatives working to protect democratic values and human rights.

With the support of USAID and the international community, the Kosovo Judiciary, members of the Judicial Council of Kosovo and judges and judicial administrative workers are aiming to improve the judicial administration of Kosovo. Through the Memorandum of Understanding we will sign today we express our readiness to continue the cooperation with USAID in reforming the Kosovo Judiciary System. Regardless of the difficulties and challenges that might lay ahead, administrating the judiciary is more important than ever, in the newly independent state of Kosovo. Therefore we welcome continued cooperation to achieve these important goals for our country and our citizens. Thank you. (applause)

Karyn Posner-Mullen, PAO, U.S. Embassy Pristina: Thank you, Judge Haxhimusa. We would now like to invite USAID Administrator and the Director of Foreign Assistance Henrietta Fore, to speak.

USAID Administrator and the Director of Foreign Assistance Henrietta Fore: Thank you, Mr. Minister, Mr. Chairman, for undertaking these commitments to education and to the judiciary. It is an honor to be here today on behalf of the United States Government, and to sign these two agreements. Both signify the deep commitment of the United States to the future of Kosovo, and both are important signals that we will intensify our involvement in those key areas -- education and rule of law -- where there must be improvement for Kosovo to thrive.

The first agreement we will sign today is an addition to the existing U.S.-Kosovo Fulbright program. We agree with the Minister that education is an absolute priority for Kosovo. The American people, through many different programs, have helped education in Kosovo in a variety of ways in the past.

We initiated a Fulbright program here, which has brought Kosovo professors to the U.S., and starting this year, U.S. scholars to Kosovo. As a result of this agreement today, and thanks to special Kosovo Government scholarship funding, the program will send two Kosovo students to the U.S. to earn a masters degree in one of several important technical fields.

We have also established, via USAID, a $7 million endowment fund known as the Kosovo American Education Fund, which offers graduate-level scholarships in the United States. Thus far, 26 Kosovo students have finished or are about to finish their masters degrees in the U.S. under this program, while another 9 will start this fall.

In addition, through USAID, we have built or renovated 64 schools and school playing fields across Kosovo over the years, an investment of over $6.2 million dollars.

We have also founded American Corners, such as the one here in the National Library, to expand English-language resources and to promote an understanding of American culture and ideas.

Education will continue to be a priority for the United States Government, and we will make a commitment to this sector at the upcoming Donors' Conference.

Equally important is the agreement we are signing today with the Kosovo Judicial Council.

A trusted, independent justice system capable of ensuring the rights of all is necessary to protect Kosovo's citizenry and to encourage economic development. The courts must be able to operate effectively, transparently, and efficiently if they are to gain the public's trust. While the Kosovo Judicial Council is a relatively new institution, we believe it is ready to take on the challenge. And the United States Government today is pledging its assistance - a total of $8 million dollars in training, equipment and rehabilitation of court buildings - to help the council carry out its responsibilities.

As I noted at the outset, improvements in the rule of law and in education will have an impact on Kosovo's stability, security, economic growth - its very future. The United States will continue to be an active part of Kosovo's future, and that commitment extends to all the people and communities of Kosovo. I am happy to be here in Kosovo to see the progress you have already made, and even more happy to pledge our continued aid and assistance through the important time ahead.

Thank you. (applause)

Karyn Posner-Mullen, PAO, U.S. Embassy Pristina: Thank you, Administrator Fore, and now I would like to invite the Charge d' Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Pristina, Tina Kaidanow, to give her concluding remarks

Tina Kaidanow: Thank you Administrator Fore, Minister Hoxhaj, Kosovo Judicial Council Chairman Haxhimusa.

The United States Government recognizes, as Administrator Fore said, the tremendous importance of education and rule of law as the foundation for Kosovo's future.

Since 2002, the Fulbright Scholar Program has been involved in Kosovo, sending two professors annually to the United States. And during this academic year, you have welcomed two of our scholars to Kosovo - one at the University of Pristina, and the other at the American University of Kosovo. We are very pleased that the Fulbright Visiting Student program is the next step in our mutual commitment to quality education here in Kosovo; as a result of this new program, two scholarships will be provided annually by the Ministry of Education for graduate-level study in the United States in the fields of Public Policy and Administration, Economy, Information Technology and mining and engineering.

Rule of law is an equally critical priority for Kosovo, one that the United States Government recognizes as vital to Kosovo's democratic functioning and economic growth.

The signing of an agreement today with the Kosovo Judicial Council, worth over $8 million in training of court officials and equipping and rehabilitation of court buildings, is just one part of our very large assistance program in Rule of Law. Just the other day I handed over the keys of the Kosovo Forensics Laboratory -- an institution on which the U.S. government has spent over $10 million -- to the Minister of the Interior, and we will have considerably more engagement with Kosovo's police, prosecutors and courts in the weeks and months to come.

I want to thank Administrator Fore for her presence here today, as well as that of Minister Hoxhaj and Judge Hadzimusa. We are very grateful for your continued cooperation, and we are confident that, working together, we can make real and lasting improvements in the lives of Kosovo's people and communities.

Thank you all for joining us today. (applause)

Karyn Posner-Mullen, PAO, U.S. Embassy Pristina: And now, we'll have the signing of the agreements. The first one with Minister Hoxhaj and Charge Kaidanow, which will then be witnessed by Administrator Fore. And the second one between Judge Haxhimusa and Administrator Fore, witnessed by Charge Kaidanow. (silence during signing) (applause)

I just want to let the students and media in the room know that both the USAID and Fulbright Program have Fact Sheets ready for you. As well as, at noon today the American Embassy website will have all the information uploaded on the Fulbright Program, with the application ready for you to download immediately to start applying this summer. We look forward to getting your applications. (applause)

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Tue, 20 May 2008 09:11:44 -0500