LANL Research Library Newsletter - February 1998

Did you know the Research Library will come to your office or group meeting to give updates on library services or training on databases and new information resources? For more information, contact the Research Library staff at or 667-5809.


Electronic books now on the New Books List

New electronic books are listed each week on the Research Library's New Books List and are also accessible through the online catalog, searchable by author, title, or subject. Librarians responsible for subject areas within the collection send URLs by electronic mail to the Book Team to be cataloged. Over two hundred titles have been added, including many ACM conference proceedings.

To subscribe to the New Books List, send an e-mail message to Leave the subject line blank. The body of the message should contain the SUBSCRIBE message exactly as printed below:

subscribe lib-new-books

The New Books list is also available via the Web at /cgi-bin/

Jean McClary
Marie Harper

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BIOSIS� at LANL expanded

The BIOSIS� at LANL database now has extended coverage. Backfiles loaded in January have nearly doubled the size of the database. It now covers 1969 to the present, with over 11 million records. BIOSIS is the primary bibliographic database for life sciences literature. BIOSIS� at LANL can be accessed from the Research Library home page, under the Electronic Databases button.

Kathy Varjabedian

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Mathematics Abstracts database

The Research Library has arranged trial access to Mathematics Abstracts/Zentralblatt fur Mathematik and ihre Grenzgebiete via the Web. Mathematics Abstracts is an international review/abstract journal that has signed author reviews written in English, French, or German. It covers 1931 to the present. Basic annual subscription cost is $5,741. The Research Library needs your comments regarding continued access to this database.

Frances Knudson

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Zeitschrift fur Physik & Journal de Physique merge in 1998

Two of Europe's leading physics journals have merged in a small step toward European unity. Zeitschrift fur Physik and Journal de Physique will now become the European Physical Journal. Their aim is for the journal to be the European counterpart of Physical Review from APS. Interestingly, Physical Review has published an increasing number of international papers; in 1996 the proportion was 65%. The editors hope this will encourage future mergers that would help concentrate and improve the subject fields while avoiding the proliferation of publishing that is decimating library budgets. The new journal will begin with the January 1998 issue.

Donna Berg

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New engineering journals need your review

Some new engineering titles have appeared in the Research Library this week that need to be reviewed by Library patrons. The Library needs your comments to assist us in developing a journal collection that supports your research. Please stop by and look at the sample issues now available on the "New Journal" display shelves.

Innovations in Materials Research: from World Scientific, this journal will focus on papers which reflect genuine innovation and unexpected discoveries in core areas of materials research.

Integrated Ferroelectrics: research, design, development, manufacture and utilization of integrated ferroelectric devices.

Mechanical Systems & Signal Processing: research findings in dynamics in its broadest sense.

Separation & Purification Technology: bimonthly international journal covering all aspects of separation and purification of homogeneous gaseous and liquid solutions and heterogeneous mixtures; formed by a merger of Separations Technology and Gas Separation & Purification.

Donna Berg

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New computer/math journals need your review

If you have expertise in computer science or mathematics please stop by the Research Library and leave your comments on these new journals. The Library adds new titles only with positive input from Lab staff members--so please fill in the comment sheets or send e-mail on titles that are of interest to you.

Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery: covers a rapidly growing area of research and application that builds on techniques and theories from many fields, including statistics, databases, pattern recognition and learning, etc.

Expert Systems with Applications: the design, development, testing, implementation, and/or management of expert systems in all disciplines.

International Journal of General Systems: a comprehensive journal devoted to general systems methodology, applications and education.

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems: integrating artificial intelligence and database technologies this journal focuses on the creation of intelligent information systems.
Numerical Algorithms: iterative methods and preconditioners for solving large sparse systems of linear equations.

Simulation Practice & Theory: original research and tutorial papers in the field of simulation. From the Federation of European Simulation Societies.

Donna Berg

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Research Library Director returns from Winter ALA meeting

Research Library Director Rick Luce recently returned from the Winter Meeting of the American Library Association. Like many professional societies, the ALA Winter Meeting concentrates on society business but also provides a forum for professional networking and the time to seriously interact with publishers and representatives of new technologies. European publisher Elsevier sponsored their first "Digital Library Symposium" for library administrators. Speaking to an SRO audience with Rick were library directors from Harvard, University of Michigan/Digital Library Project, Ohiolink, and University of Toronto. Rick's talk on LANL Research Library's "Library Without Walls" project drew an exceptional level of interest and he felt besieged during the conference by those that had heard his talk. Our electronic library components, the data we collect to support our library services and our close connection with library customers are areas of expertise that have put us in the forefront of libraries.

Faxon, a well-known vendor for journals, also sponsored a one day institute to bring publishers and librarians together to discuss the issues surrounding the change to electronic media. This was so successful that future sessions will be held on the East and West coasts so that more participants can be involved in the ongoing educational dialog. Academic Press, now a major publisher of electronic journals, held a user group meeting and reported that their consortia accounts for electronic journals have doubled in size during the last year. Los Alamos is one of their original partners and interacts with Academic on behalf of the New Mexico Library Alliance. Complaints about speed of delivery over the Web resulted in a vow to provide solutions in the near future for this problem. Los Alamos currently receives over 90 electronic journals from Academic. Rick also discussed "Library Without Walls" technology with ISI, Orion Scientific, Elsevier, and GEAC Computers.

Although many academic libraries are attempting to push products to the user's desk top, after this national meeting we firmly believe the Los Alamos Research Library has taken a leadership position in the electronic library arena and that we are among the top 3% of libraries delivering advanced information products to library customers.

Donna Berg

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Stanford/HighWire Press visits Library

Michael Keller, Director of Stanford University Libraries and Publisher of HighWire Press, visited the LANL Research Library and Library Without Walls (LWW) Project recently. For the past year the Stanford Libraries have been a customer of the SciSearch at LANL product and they provided extensive input and testing of the recently released BIOSIS at LANL database. Stanford has just signed an agreement to be the first external customer of our BIOSIS at LANL database.

Keller and Jeff Pudewell, Associate University Librarian and Associate Director of HighWire Press, spent the day discussing the significant challenges ahead for desktop delivery of scientific literature, as well as possible areas for further collaboration with the LWW project, with Rick Luce and Deputy Jackie Stack. HighWire Press is a forward-looking organization at the center of the information "buzz" about electronic publishers who are working on new solutions to provide direct and higher value links between authors and readers. The libraries at Stanford and Los Alamos share a desire to provide the latest digital technology to enhance the value of information for our research communities.

Donna Berg

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SciSearch� at LANL Tip of the Month: Using Browse for Cited Reference Searching

In SciSearch� at LANL Cited Reference Searching is based upon references found in papers. Since authors may use different abbreviations or may make errors in citing the volume number or page or year in their reference, Browsing allows these variations to be identified and then retrieved. On the Cited Reference Search screen enter the information about the paper being cited, then select Browse rather than Search at the bottom of the screen. Fifteen references are displayed and pertinent ones can then be marked by clicking in the boxes. After marking all interested citations, click on the search button. Up to 15 items can be marked before searching.

Jeane Strub

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Research Library February Training Schedule

2/3 SciSearch at LANL -- at your desktop! 1-1:30
2/4 Finding Addresses and Phone Numbers on the WWW 1-1:30
2/4 Research Library Tour 1-1:30
2/5 Research Library Catalog via the WWW 1-1:30
2/5 InfoSurfing: Basic Web Searching Strategies 2-4
2/10 Introduction to Electronic Library Resources 1-1:30
2/11 GeoRef at LANL 1-1:30
2/11 Research Library Tour 1-1:30
2/12 Federal Regulations on the Internet 1-1:30
2/17 Finding Addresses and Phone Numbers on the WWW 1-1:30
2/18 Research Library Tour 1-1:30
2/18 Grants and Funding on the WWW 1-1:30
2/19 SciSearch Alerting Service 1-1:30
2/19 InfoSurfing: Basic Web Searching Strategies 2-4
2/24 Research Library Tour 1-1:30

Classes are free, but you must pre-register by using the email links above to send a message to or calling the Library Service Desk at 7-5809. Please include your name, the date and title of the session, and your email address in your message.

Special classes and orientations can also be arranged; call 7-5809 for more information.

Sandi Blackburn

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Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg , Jack Carter, Lou Pray, Kathy Varjabedian, and Eileen Vela.

To receive an electronic subscription to the Research Library Newsletter, sent the first of each month to your e-mail address, do the following:

subscribe lib-news end

The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter Coordinator, Kathy Varjabedian.

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2 February 1998 KV(MLM)