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Research Library Newsletter
July 2005

Table of Contents

Past issues

Did you know...

Knovel includes a free, easy-to-use Unit Converter that allows you to convert values from existing units of measurement to other units as appropriate.


CINDAS materials properties databases now available

Looking for materials properties? The Research Library is providing access for Lab staff to almost a half-century's worth of materials properties data assembled by Purdue University. For over 45 years, Purdue's Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis (CINDAS) has complied and analyzed materials properties data. In the early 1980s, the center's data collection was published in hard-back volumes entitled Thermophysical Properties of Matter ­ the TPRC Data Series. This data is now available online.

The Thermophysical Properties of Matter Database (TPMD) contains thermophysical properties of over 5,000 materials with approximately 50,000 data curves. This is the searchable, web-based version of the Thermophysical Properties of Matter, the TPRC data series. Dynamic graphing capabilities allow users to compare the same property of multiple materials, change scale ranges, and export and import data. The database is continually updated and expanded.

The Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD) contains information on the thermal, mechanical, electrical and physical properties of materials used in the microelectronics packaging industry. This database which contains properties of over 750 materials and over 15,000 data curves was developed under the sponsorship of the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC). The results of the multi-million dollar research program were originally available only to SRC members. Now they are available to engineers and scientists worldwide. This database is also continually updated and expanded.

To access the CINDAS databases, go to https://cindasdata.com/ and click <Login> in the upper right corner. Tutorials are available for both TPMD and MPMD.

Carol Hoover (hoover@lanl.gov)

NECA Standards available from the Research Library

Standards from the National Electrical Contractors Association have just been added to the Research Library's standards collection. National Electrical Installation Standards, or NEIS, (developed by NECA in partnership with other industry organizations), are the first performance standards for electrical construction. They go beyond the basic safety requirements of the National Electrical Code to clearly define what is meant by installing products and systems in a "neat and workmanlike" manner. All NEIS are submitted for approval by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). NECA/NEIS standards cover lighting, limited energy, power distribution, utilization equipment, wiring methods and general standards.

The NECA standards are separate from our IHS standards subscription and are not available at the IHS site.

LANL staff can access the National Electrical Installation Standards at http://rlcd.lanl.gov/ansi/neis/.

Jeane Strub (jstrub@lanl.gov)

Science Research Connection (SRC), an excellent source of technical reports

If you have attempted to access the DOE Information Bridge (IB) or DOE Energy Citations Database (ECD) recently, you will have noticed that these two products have been replaced by the Science Research Connection (SRC), which contains the content of both the DOE IB and DOE ECD.

It contains about 4 million records from the Department of Energy (DOE), its predecessor agencies and its partners, covering disciplines of interest to DOE such as chemistry, physics, materials science, environmental science, geology, engineering, mathematics, climatology, oceanography, computer science and related disciplines. It includes citations to report literature, conference papers, journal articles, books, dissertations, and patents.

New features include:

  • Ability to limit to matches with full-text
  • Register to request free full-text scanning of documents that lack PDFs
  • Alert Services: Receive weekly notification of new documents posted
  • Browse Author listing to create your own author search
  • Browse thesaurus of terms
  • Auto-importing into EndNote

Lou Pray (lpray@lanl.gov)

news@nature now available for LANL

The Research Library is now providing news@nature available at your desktop. news@nature provides broader coverage of news than Nature, including industry developments, commercial and government decisions, and the effects of recent research and events on our broader society. news@nature is written for a more general audience than Nature, with less 'scientific' language and a broader appeal. The articles are longer and have usually been given further investigation than regular news articles in Nature. Articles are well classified into subject areas so you can read thoroughly about a topic.

The Research Library's subscription to news@nature includes archived news articles back to 1998.

Carol Hoover (hoover@lanl.gov)

Faculty of 1000

The LANL Research Library is providing access for Lab employees to Faculty of 1000 -- a next generation literature awareness service that highlights and evaluates the most interesting papers published in the biological sciences, based on the recommendations of a Faculty of over 1600 of the world’s leading researchers.

How can Faculty of 1000 help you?

"My F1000" provides you with a personalized literature-awareness service, tailored to your specialty, your own homepage containing the latest relevant evaluations and regular email alerts of paper evaluations by subject area, from stored searches or from Faculty Members.

Top 10’s are a great way to stay up to date with Faculty of 1000. Top 10s allow users to see the very best papers evaluated in the last month, either across the whole of Biology, or within individual faculties. There are also Top 10s for the Most Viewed Papers and a Classic Top 10, listing the very best papers of all time across the whole of F1000.

Hidden Jewels evaluate the top papers published in lesser-known journals, highlighting important papers that could otherwise be overlooked. Faculty of 1000 is a great resource to steer you through the mass of reading needed to stay on top of your subject.

Carol Hoover (hoover@lanl.gov)

Compact shelving in the Research Library - Phase 2

The Research Library is about to begin Phase 2 of its compact shelving project. The project involves replacement of stationary shelving on the lower level with compact shelving which will allow us to house the growing book and journal collections.

Work is planned to begin July 20th. We anticipate minimal interruption of access to the lower level during the installation phase of the project. Installation will be completed in sections so that only a very limited number of titles may be unavailable to walk-in customers at any given time. At some points during installation there may be no affect at all on customer access.

As work begins we will be closing access to limited areas of the lower level. Journals located in these areas will be temporarily relocated within the lower level. If it becomes necessary to limit access to these journals, affected titles requested by customers will be retrieved three times per day, based on scheduled dropoff times, and placed in a pickup area available to the customer within an hour after the scheduled dropoff time. Schedule will be announced soon.

During compact shelving installation the Library's document delivery service for items in the Library's collection will continue to be available. You can obtain this service by using our Web-based Library Request Form, by telephone at 7-5809 or by e-mail or regular mail sent to MS-P362 (Attention: Photocopies). Be sure to include your LANL cost code information.

Remember if you need an article from a journal the Library does not own, you have the option to order articles yourself. LANL employees with a Lab purchase card can create an account with the organizations listed on the Document Delivery page to order photocopies.

You can send questions or concerns to Carol Hoover at hoover@lanl.gov.

New electronic journals from the Research Library

The following new electronic journals have been added to the library collection and are available from your desktop:

Biology and Medicine
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology
Genome Biology
HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Journal of Experimental Animal Science
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
Mammalian Biology
Microbiological Research
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
Theory in Biosciences

Nature Chemical Biology
Polymer Science. Series A. (ID/password required)
Polymer Science. Series B. (ID/password required)
Polymer Science. Series C. (ID/password required)
Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

Environment and Earth Sciences
Interdisciplinary journal for chemical problems of the geosciences and geoecology: Chemie de Erde
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Journal of Forest Economics
Limnologica: ecology and management of inland waters

Economic Indicators

Mathematics and Computer Science
Artificial Life

Waves in Random and Complex Media

Carol Hoover (hoover@lanl.gov)

Search engines: The Yahoo Challenge

After meeting a fascinating person from Yahoo recently I decided to look more carefully at their site and evaluate it for the work we do. Like everyone I have been addicted to the "G" site and rarely use other products.

Yahoo has been ramping up with many new services recently as part of the extreme competition between search engines. We really need to be using a suite of search engines in order to take advantage of the variety of ideas bubbling up in this area and a wider range of content. I was always put off by the crowded and cluttered home page; but now I know to go directly to www.search.yahoo.com to start my search using the ubiquitous box on a fresh clean page. Be sure to click on the small print and make yourself aware of the "shortcuts" and the features of the "advanced search".

A nifty feature available with "advanced search" is the ability to include personal subscriptions you may have with content such as the Wall Street Journal. It is also wise to review the preferences available in an unfamiliar search engine. Yahoo offers the ability to enlarge your results window to display up to 100 results; and you may also choose to have each search result link open in a new browser window.

The Yahoo image search feature is important as it has different content from those found elsewhere. I like to select it from the www.search.yahoo.com page.That page permits you to choose the advanced search which allows size choices for the images and also coloration choices. The beginning search page includes a list of the images most searched for, which can provide you with a good index of how out-of-touch you might be with contemporary culture.

If you do not use a "My Web" feature from another engine, you might start with the one provided by Yahoo. You need to register for this service and by doing that you are able to use it globally. You can save all your bookmarks and your search history to your individual site. This is a reference tool to have available when you travel as it saves your links and also an exact copy of the content as you saw it. You can now share the information with colleagues.

Yahoo also provides some of the best business and industry related resources free under the "Finance" heading from their main page; their news sources also vary from the other search engines. You can now create a blog and keep in touch with friends through their new beta "360" service. Don't be a slave to the "G" site! Try Yahoo today.

Donna Berg (donna.berg@lanl.gov)

If you have comments or suggestions for other topics you would like to see covered in this newsletter, please send your ideas to the Newsletter Editor at kv@lanl.gov.

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Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg, Helen Boorman, Lou Pray, and Kathy Varjabedian.

Los Alamos National Laboratory