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Research Library Newsletter
March 2004

Table of Contents

Past issues


Did you know...

Lecture notes in computer science is available online. (LANL access only)


Inspec® and more in SearchPlus

SciSearch Plus is now SearchPlus, reflecting significant interface changes and broader subject coverage.

  • Inspec® : SearchPlus now includes Inspec, the leading database in physics, electrical engineering and electronics, and computing. Inspec® covers 1969 to the present in 7+ million records, updated weekly, covering journals, conferences, books, reports and patents, with rich subject indexing.
  • Revised interface with improved navigation
  • Basic and Advanced search screens now available
  • Search history improved, providing more information about your searches
  • New indexes added for Inspec data, such as Astronomical Object
  • Limit by "Times Cited greater than or equal to #" feature now available (applies to ISI databases only), to narrow a search to influential papers
  • Help has been completely re-written, with more searching tips
  • Printer-friendly links are provided

SearchPlus is a key resource for accessing and using scholarly literature. Its combined databases offer LANL users access to over 41 million records, with tools for setting personal preferences, outputting search results, and keeping up-to-date with alerts. Please send comments and suggestions to rl-testing@lanl.gov.

Kathy Varjabedian

RefWorks — a web-based database and bibliography creator

Laboratory employees now have another option for creating bibliographies and databases — RefWorks! RefWorks is a web-based product that lets you to create your own personal database by importing references from online databases such as SearchPlus and Biosis® at LANL. You can then use these references in writing papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds.

And the best part may be that RefWorks is provided for you by the LANL Research Library — there is no purchasing, downloading or installation required. All you need to do is go to the RefWorks website, click <User login> and sign up for an individual account. Since RefWorks is a web-based product, your records will be available to you wherever you go, because your data is stored at the publisher's site instead of on your own machine. The product is usable across various platforms such as Windows, Mac, UNIX, etc.

There are a limited number of licenses available. Contact the Research Library to set up training demonstrations for RefWorks. Library staff are available for one-on-one or group training events by appointment.

Send comments to stbrl-lip@lanl.gov

Carol Hoover

 Leadership Directories available online

The Leadership Directories (aka Yellow Books) are now available to LANL users at the desktop. The Research Library's license provides access to all 14 personnel directories called Yellow Books and collectively called The Leadership Library®, updated daily.

Yellow Books in this series:

Associations Yellow Book
Congressional Yellow Book
Corporate Yellow Book
Federal Regional Yellow Book
Federal Yellow Book
Financial Yellow Book
Government Affairs Yellow Book
Financial Yellow Book
Foreign Representatives in the U.S. Yellow Book
Judicial Yellow Book
Law Firms Yellow Book
Municipal Yellow Book
News Media Yellow Book
Nonprofit Sector Yellow Book
State Yellow Book

Irma Holtkamp

American Nuclear Society ejournals now available at your desktop

Journals, magazines and transactions from the American Nuclear Society are now available in full-text at your desktop.  American Nuclear Society membership is composed of engineers, scientists, administrators and educators working in the diverse fields of nuclear science and technology.  Titles include:

Fusion Science and Technology ( http://epubs.ans.org/rip/index.cgi?j=fst )
Nuclear Science & Engineering  http://epubs.ans.org/rip/index.cgi?j=nse
Nuclear Technology  http://epubs.ans.org/rip/index.cgi?j=nt
Radwaste Solutions  http://epubs.ans.org/rip/index.cgi?m=rs
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society  http://www2.ans.org/pubs/transactions/indices/

Full-text is available directly from the ANS website as well as through LinkSeeker in databases such as SearchPlus (now incorporating SciSearch and Inspec), Engineering Index at LANL and DOE Energy at LANL.

Send comments to: eteam@lanl.gov

Carol Hoover

Wiley reference works available at your desktop

Discover some of the most authoritative online reference sources in applied physics, biotechnology, catalysis, cell technology, chemical technology, computational chemistry, electrical/electronics engineering, industrial chemistry, industrial hygiene, intelligent materials, molecular biology, organic chemistry, and toxicology.  LANL researchers can browse thorough each of the 16 titles listed below or search them collectively using a single search interface at Wiley InterScience Reference Works.



Irma Holtkamp

Download the Cambridge Structural Database

In January the Research Library obtained the Cambridge Structural Database, which records bibliographic, chemical and crystallographic information for organic molecules and metal-organic compounds. Now Windows and Unix users (sorry, no Mac version) can download the Cambridge Structural Database to their desktop from the Library's CSD website.

From here the download site link requires use of a LANL crypto card. Follow the instructions provided to download/install the following software:

  • Conquest � search software
  • CSD � database files
  • Mercury � visualization software
The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre updates the CSD as required. The Library will make these updates available for download and will notify users as they become available.

Please contact Susan Heckethorn with any problems or questions. Note: Mac users with OS 10 or above, please let us know if you are interested in this product. We'd like to gauge interest.

Susan Heckethorn

Take your cryptocard with you to the Library

The LANL Research Library has set up four public terminals for LANL users only. These require a cryptocard for access. What is the benefit of this setup? You can now:

  • View technical reports (because we are open to the public these have been restricted)
  • Get to the internal LANL website
  • See electronic journals that have been blocked from the public terminals.

Note: The remaining terminals do not currently require crytocards but what you will see is strictly green network.

Lou Pray

State Librarian visits the Research Library

Richard Akeroyd, newly appointed State Librarian of New Mexico, recently visited with Research Library Director Rick Luce.

Akeroyd's most recent position was Director of Library Programs for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Over $300 million of assistance was provided to libraries through that program.  Akeroyd has been active at the national and state level in professional societies and has served as State Librarian for Connecticut. 

Donna Berg

New electronic journals from the Research Library

The following new electronic journals have been added to the library collection and are available from your desktop:

Biology and Medicine
Genetics - added backfiles from 1916 to 1979

Journal of Cell Biology - added backfiles from 1955-1974

Journal of Neuroscience - added backfiles from 1981-1995

Tree Physiology

Fusion science and technology

Nuclear Science and Engineering

Nuclear Technology      

Radwaste Solutions

Strategic Insights


Search engines: Amazon, Google...and now Feedster?

Blogs have grown up in the last year. No longer the purview of those with braces, reputable journals are supporting their "content providers" [read editors/writers] by funding official weblogs that allow them to create content constantly instead of occasionally in an official publication.

 Feedster is the search engine for the alternative news universe, indexing over one million weblogs and crawling through on an hourly basis. The timely indexing of this "RSS feed" (rich site summary), allows you to track what the influential, blog-enabled world is saying about products, services, competitors. The point here is that you can create an RSS feed from a search term and watch your results vary from hour to hour. I found topics of contemporary interest had the most interesting results, for instance politics has its own tab right now. The site has many good features; allowing you to choose between "best results" or "latest results"; letting you create a feed based on your search. If you have a blog you can use this product to make your site searchable and add content automatically. Look at their new ideas under "advanced search" and "preferences". Go try it — now!

Donna Berg

If you have comments or suggestions for other topics you would like to see covered in this newsletter, pease send your ideas to the Newsletter Editor.

Want to be notified of new issues?

To receive an e-mail with the Table of Contents when each new issue of the LANL Research Library Newsletter is available, please enter your Z number or your e-mail address:

Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg, Helen Boorman, Lou Pray, and Kathy Varjabedian.

The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter Editor, Kathy Varjabedian.

Los Alamos National Laboratory