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Research Library Newsletter
September 2003

Table of Contents

Conference proceedings now available in SciSearch® Plus

SciSearch Plus logo Now you can find conference literature as well as journal literature in SciSearch® Plus, with the addition of ISI Proceedings®. The new database is an international, multidisciplinary index to the conference literature of science and technology. With 2.7 million records, updated weekly, it indexes papers published since 1990 from approximately 7,000 conferences each year. You can search its 2.7 million records separately or in combination with the other SciSearch® Plus databases.

A new index has been added for searching conferences, which includes the name of the conference, city and country where the conference took place, conference host, and dates of the meeting. All these words and numbers may be searched. You may find results more quickly if you omit such common words as "annual", "meeting" or "conference" and use unique title words. For example, if the conference took place in Rome in 2000 and dealt with transplantation issues the search would look like this:

rome <and> transplantation <and> 2000

If you have alerts, ISI Proceedings® records will automatically be added to any "all database" alert that you have in place.

Kathy Varjabedian

New downloading options in SciSearch® Plus

The RIS format, which has become an industry standard for tagged output, is now available as an output option for Marked records in SciSearch® Plus. The RIS format can be imported into EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, and RefWorks. Each of these software packages comes with a RIS filter, which they refer to in different ways:

SciSearch Plus logoEndNote = Reference Manager (RIS)
ProCite = RIS
Reference Manager = RIS
RefWorks = Desktop Biblio. Mgt. Software

The RIS format is actually used for the automatic export feature. Offering RIS output separately provides more flexibility. Using RIS output and the associated RIS filter the journal/source field will be imported using mixed case. This method also allows you to modify the RIS filter to suit your specific needs.

Output records in SciSearch Plus automatically include article URLs, which go directly to full-text (if available) and to services such as holdings information. If you prefer not to have URLs included, simply unclick the option.

Frances Knudson

Knovel training on September 10

On Wednesday, September 10, 2003 the Research Library will sponsor two training sessions on Knovel online interactive books and databases:

  10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Chemistry Division Auditorium (TA 46, Bldg 535, Rm 103)
  3:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Library's Training Room (TA 3, Bldg 207, Rm 115)

Doug Sears of Knovel Corporation will lead the sessions, covering:

  • An overview of the Knovel product
  • Benefits provided by Knovel’s searching capabilities
  • Benefits provided by Knovel’s productivity tools
  • Actual search examples to show you the power of the product
Knovel has a database of over 500 of the leading science and engineering reference handbooks, databases, and conference proceedings, including:
  • CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
  • Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials
  • Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers
  • Materials Selection Deskbook
  • Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook
  • NTEC Annual Technical Conferences

The unique combination of aggregated information and proprietary analysis tools allows you to search the entire database and extract information to suit your needs.

Everyone is welcome — come and learn how to take advantage of the power of Knovel.

Please send questions and comments to strbl-chemobj@lanl.gov.

Susan Heckethorn

DIPPR Chemical Database

The Research Library has just added the Evaluated Process Design Data from the Design Institute for Physical Property Data (DIPPR), American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).

The current release of the DIPPR Chemical Database contains consistent physical, thermodynamic, and transport properties for 1,743 commonly-used chemical compounds. For each compound, there are 29 constant properties and 15 temperature-dependent properties reported.

The constant properties in the database are:

  • Molecular Weight
  • Critical Temperature, Pressure, Volume, and Compressibility Factor
  • Melting Point
  • Triple Point Temperature and Pressure
  • Normal Boiling Point
  • Liquid Molar Volume
  • Enthalpy of Formation (Ideal Gas and Standard State)
  • Gibbs Energy of Formation (Ideal Gas and Standard State)
  • Entropy (Ideal Gas and Standard State)
  • Enthalpy of Fusion
  • Standard Net Heat of Combustion
  • Acentric Factor
  • Radius of Gyration
  • Solubility Parameter
  • Dipole Moment
  • Van der Waals Volume and Area
  • Refractive Index
  • Flash Point
  • Upper and Lower Flammability Limits
  • Autoignition Temperature

The temperature-dependent properties in the database are:

  • Liquid and Solid Density
  • Liquid and Solid Vapor Pressure
  • Heat of Vaporization
  • Ideal Gas, Liquid, and Solid Heat Capacity
  • Second Virial Coefficient
  • Vapor and Liquid Viscosity
  • Vapor, Liquid, and Solid Thermal Conductivity
  • Surface Tension

Use of the database is limited to LANL staff and the required password can be found on the passwords page (LANL only). Then go to: http://dippr.byu.edu/public/ to search the database.

Pleas send comments and suggestions to strbl-chemobj@lanl.gov.

Susan Heckethorn

New web site for particle physics

A new Web-based, global resource has been launched to provide a communication tool for the particle physics community, called Interactions.org. The center of the web page provides headlines from the latest news wires and other sources. The left column provides entry to specific topics such as education, resources, a searchable conference calendar, publications,etc. Interactions is an excellent source for links and is being created and maintained by a world-wide group of particle physics laboratories.

Donna Berg

Progress of the compact shelving project

The compact shelving being installed on the lower level of the library will be ready soon, allowing us house the expanding book and journal collections. Many thanks to all library customers for their patience during this construction project. Some highlights:


The new shelves arrive...  existing shelves are emptied ... the floor is cleared ...


Cartridges and track are laid down ...  racks are installed ...  compact shelving ready.


New electronic journals from the Research Library

The following new electronic journals have been added to the library collection and are available from your desktop:

Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

Environmental and Earth Sciences
American Journal of Science

Mathematics and Computer Science
Advanced Modeling and Optimization


Search engines: Yes, you can get alerts from Google

If you find yourself running the same search over and over, then look at this new service.

Google Alert (http://www.googlealert.com) is free for non-commercial use, and does not belong to Google. It is a way you can automatically track companies, products, projects, hobbies, people. Want to know each time your name pops up in Google? Start an alert. The results are presented in daily e-mails.

I advise reading the FAQs carefully. You need to make your search as specific as possible. The first alert you receive arrives almost instantaneously and can be frightening in size. After that, you will receive daily e-mails whenever new results appear. We've been waiting for Google to provide this service; but until that happens, you might try this site.

Donna Berg


If you have comments or suggestions for other topics you would like to see covered in this newsletter, pease send your ideas to the Newsletter Editor.

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To receive an e-mail with the Table of Contents when each new issue of the LANL Research Library Newsletter is available, please enter your Z number or your e-mail address:

Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg, Helen Boorman, Lou Pray, and Kathy Varjabedian.

The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter Editor, Kathy Varjabedian.


Los Alamos National Laboratory