LANL Research Library Newsletter - September 1998

Did you know... the Research Library web page of cool web pages for kids had 11,559 hits during Take Your Children to Work Day. The page will be up through September.


Electronic journals in the INSPEC database

The INSPEC at LANL database provides extensive indexing of physics, electronics and computing journals. These journals may be published several ways:

1) Journals published in print only ; citations will indicate if the Research Library has a subscription, with summarized holdings information

2) Journals published in print and electronically ; citations will indicate any Research Library print holdings, and provide links to the electronic versions of the journals.  Electronic versions may be the web address for the journal, or may be full-text versions of individual articles, in pdf files.  There is a list of journals which have full-text article links in INSPEC and other databases.   325 journals in INSPEC have full-text articles.

3) Journals published electronically only.  These include refereed journals from major scholarly societies and publishers, and at present are:

D-Lib Magazine
First Monday
Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship
Information Technology and Disabilities
JILT-Journal of Information Law & Technology
JoDI - Journal of Digital Information
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Journal of High Energy Physics
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research
Optics Express
Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams
Review of Information Science
SciTech Journal

Kathy Varjabedian
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AIP electronic journals and article level linking

Article level links for the American Institute of Physics journals were added to the Research Library's locally mounted databases.  Some of the journals involved include: Applied physics letters, Journal of applied physics, Journal of chemical physics, and Review of scientific instruments.

This is the current electronic journal web page entry for Review of scientific instruments:

  Review of scientific instruments
Holdings: Iss.1- (Jan.1997- )
Articles linked in DOE Energy at LANL , INSPEC� at LANL , SciSearch� at LANL

The information provided states that articles beginning in 1997 have links within three of the Research Library's databases - DOE Energy at LANL, INSPEC at LANL and SciSearch at LANL. So if I only know the journal and an author, using one of these databases might be quicker in retrieving the article then scanning the electronic journal web site.

Below is a citation from INSPEC at LANL. This is an article from Review of scientific instruments. The PDF icon near the top indicates an article level link. At the bottom of the record are details on our paper subscription and a web address to the complete journal.

INSPEC citation (16KB)

Frances Knudson
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LLNL classified technical reports

The Research Library report collection has received over 1000 formal classified Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory reports from the Report Library at LLNL. These were weeded reports and more than half are unique to LANL's report library collection. In exchange our report library will send weeded classified reports to LLNL for their Report Library collection. Charlie Miller, CST-11 and Nuclear Weapons Archiving Project coordinator for the Laboratory, was instrumental in arranging this exchange agreement.  

Jack Carter
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Sandia electronic reports being linked

Research Library staff are linking PDF versions of unclassified Sandia National Laboratories reports to records in the Online Catalog. Over 300 documents with publication dates from 1996 to 1998 have been linked to date.

Beginning in September, links to PDF versions of new Sandia reports published in 1998 will also appear in the weekly What's New in Unclassified Reports.

Links to PDF versions of Sandia reports also appear in DOE Energy at LANL.

Irma Holtkamp
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Funding opportunities for geoscientists

Feeling daunted by the number of grants and funding websites out there? There is one that is especially designed for the earth sciences researcher: GeoFunding at

At this website are earth sciences and geoscience funding announcements added or updated in the COS Funding Opportunities database during the two weeks. This listing is a just a subset of the many funding opportunities available from the Community of Science Funding Opportunities Database. Below are examples of funding opportunities currently available in GeoFunding:

Lou Pray
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Digital legislation is a matter of concern

Everyone who uses the Internet will be affected by current legislation that is being reconciled as this article is being written. During the past year the U.S. Congress has been debating broad legislation that covers everything from works transmitted over the Internet such as books, movies and sound to computer software. Both bills are referred to as "Digital Millennium Copyright Act," but they have very different aims. The House bill (HR2281) recognizes personal privacy and the "Fair use" concept necessary for libraries to facilitate the loaning of materials and for teachers and researchers to make copies. It allows encryption research and safeguards consumer products--unfortunately some negative additions have been tacked on to this bill at the last moment. These additions override Supreme Court decisions that created new legal rights for the owners of databases and other collections of information. The Senate bill (S 2037) does not protect "Fair Use" or encryption research and contains superficial protection for personal privacy.

To keep up with these concerns you can access the Digital Future Coalition homepage. The DFC is an alliance of organizations representing teachers and researchers.

Donna Berg
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eBLAST, "The thinking person's guide to the Web" from Britannica Online

eBLAST (formerly Britannica Internet Guide) features a searchable and browsable directory of more than 130,000 Web sites selected by Britannica's savvy online editors for their quality and usefulness. eBLAST organizes the chaos on the Web and makes it easy to find the intelligent information you need.

eBLAST also contains special editorial features and guest columns:

- "Bookmarks of the Smart and Famous"
- "Web Wonders," in which guest columnists examine exceptional sites that represent the cutting edge of the digital age
- "New to the Net," a column for new Web users
- "Ask an Expert," which allows users to write in for help from Britannica editors.

eBLAST is also available from Britannica Online's home page.

Marie Harper
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SciSearch� at LANL Tip of the Month: Cited Reference Searching for Non-Journal Articles

While the SciSearch� at LANL database covers only journals, bibliographies in journal articles can include all types of items, such as technical reports, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations, etc. Cited reference searching can be done on these other items as well. Enter the first author's last name, initials, and year item was published and select Browse. Review the browse list, using the Prev 15 and Next 15 buttons, mark the items identified, and submit the search.

Jeane Strub
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Statistical highlight

Electronic resources now comprise a significant portion of the Research Library's collections.  As of Sept. 1, 1998 we have listed in the online catalog:

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Research Library September Training Schedule


Date Session & Description Time
9/2 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30
9/9 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30
9/10 SciSearch at LANL 1:00-1:30
9/15 Introduction to Electronic Library Resources 2:00-2:30
9/16 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30
9/17 MELVYL (U of CA specialized databases) 11:00-11:30
9/23 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30
9/23 Finding Addresses and Phone Numbers on the WWW 1:00-1:30
9/24 InfoSurfing: Basic Web Searching Strategies  2:00-4:00
9/28 What the Report Collection Can Do for You 1:00-1:30
9/29 DOE Energy Database 1:00-1:30
9/30 Research Library Tour 1:00-1:30

Classes are free. Pre-registration is appreciated. Register by email to or by calling the Library Service Desk at 7-5809. Please include your name, Z#, and the date and title of the session in your message.

Special classes and orientations can also be arranged; call 7-5809 for more information.

Susan Heckethorn
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Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg , Jack Carter, Lou Pray, and Kathy Varjabedian.

To receive electronic notice of new issues of the Research Library Newsletter, sent at the beginning of each month to your e-mail address, do the following:

    subscribe lib-news end

The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter Editor, Kathy Varjabedian.

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