LANL Research Library Newsletter - July 1998

Did you know you can have literature search results sent directly to your e-mail address? To request a search, contact the Research Library staff at 7-5809 or send e-mail to


Elsevier electronic journals

There are 300 plus electronic journals published by Elsevier for which the Research Library offers access to individual articles, but not to a journal web address. These electronic journal titles are being added to the Library's electronic journal page with no journal title link. The title appears in a black font. You can get to the articles through article level links in our locally loaded databases. The pertinent databases are noted in the line "Articles linked in: INSPEC at LANL, SciSearch at LANL." There are currently approximately 225,000 articles linked. The Research Library wants to make the availability of these links broadly known.

Work progresses on offering journal level browse capabilities for these Elsevier titles. Journal level links will be added as soon as the system is thoroughly tested.

Frances Knudson
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Take part in the development of your future information tools

What are your research needs? How do you manage information? These are some of the questions we've been asking our customers in the last couple of months. This is part of the Research Library / Library Without Walls project to plan our next generation of electronic information products. We want to ensure that these products are on target to meet your needs. Therefore, we are seeking volunteers to help us prioritize product features. If you are interested in helping us with this project, please complete the prioritization survey. We appreciate your collaboration. We believe a partnership with our customers is essential in building the information products of the future.

Lou Pray
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Plan proposed for peer review and publication of scholarly research

A proposal has been issued by a group of university provosts which could have far-reaching implications for how scholarly journal articles would be reviewed and published. The motive is primarily to create alternatives to high-priced journals, particularly in science and technology, for which annual subscriptions can run as high as $15,000. In the proposed scenario, researchers would send their work to a "certification panel" in their field, which would use the same kinds of experts that journals now use for peer review. The panel would give each article a grade or a stamp of approval. A researcher could then get the article published in a print or electronic journal, or post the article on a World Wide Web site. Universities would accept a certification panel's stamp of approval and not require that professors actually publish their work. A major proponent of the plan says the idea of creating a new system of peer review is based in part on what is happening in physics with Paul Ginsparg's pre-print server at LANL. Critics of the proposal are concerned about lack of publication and about control of the certification panels. For more information see the article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 26, 1998, page A12.

Kathy Varjabedian
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New on the Research Library web site

Several Subject Resources pages have been augmented with more useful links:

Kathy Varjabedian
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Research Library recognized for marketing excellence

At the June 1998 National Meeting of the Special Libraries Association, the LANL Research Library received the following awards for excellence in marketing library products and services to our customers:

More importantly, this was a forum for sharing marketing ideas and plans among libraries across the country. If you are interested in viewing our library video (80 seconds), visit this URL: /vi deo/
Note: This is a 20MB QuickTime file.

Lou Pray
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SciSearch® at LANL Tip of the Month: Focusing your search

In SciSearch® at LANL, when searching for words anywhere finds too many and searching for words right next to each other misses records you would expect to find, consider using the <near/n> operator (where n is the number of intervening words). Searching for palladium<near/3>membrane will find the phrase palladium membrane as well as palladium alloy membranes and palladium ceramic composite membranes.

When the order in which words appear is important, use the <order> operator directly before <near/n>. For example, use black<order><near/2>white to find black and white but not white and black. <order> works only with the <near/n> operator and not alone.

Jeane Strub
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Research Library July Training Schedule

Date Session & Description Time
7/1 Research Library Tour 1-1:30
7/7 INSPEC at LANL - New Product 1-1:30
7/8 Research Library Tour 1-1:30
7/14 Introduction to Electronic Library Resources  1-1:30
7/15 Research Library Tour 1-1:30
7/16 Earth Sciences Web Resources 11-11:30
7/22 Finding Addresses and Phone Numbers on the WWW 1-1:30
7/22 Research Library Tour 1-1:30
7/23 InfoSurfing: Basic Web Searching Strategies  2-4
7/28 Environmental Web Resources 1-1:30
7/29 Research Library Tour 1-1:30
7/30 SciSearch Alerting Service 1-1:30

Classes are free, but you must pre-register by using the email links above to send a message to or calling the Library Service Desk at 7-5809. Please include your name, the date and title of the session, and your email address in your message.

Special classes and orientations can also be arranged; call 7-5809 for more information.

Sandi Blackburn
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Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg , Jack Carter, Lou Pray, Kathy Varjabedian, and Eileen Vela.

To receive electronic notice of new issues of the Research Library Newsletter, sent the first of each month to your e-mail address, do the following:

subscribe lib-news end

The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter Coordinator, Kathy Varjabedian.

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