LANL Research Library Newsletter - November 1997

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November 1997 Issue

SciSearch� at LANL Version 3.0 was released October 27, 1997. Lots of enhancements and new features have been added:

  1. A redesigned navigation bar with quick access to general search, cited search, and alerts from anywhere in the system has been added. The download button has been replaced with List Marks.
  2. General search now uses pull down menus for index and option selections.
  3. Two new options have been added - limiting by document type and sorting.
  4. Context sensitive help is now available.
  5. Marking has been significantly improved with the introduction of JavaScript. From the full record, the Mark Button changes to Unmark to visually indicate that the record has been marked. Marking from a full record is also noted with a check mark on the brief results list.
  6. Computer-generated keywords (which are based on shared title words in bibliographic references) are now preceded by a +.
  7. Author supplied keywords (which appear in journals requesting keywords from authors) are listed without any indicator.
  8. Tagged output is now available with filters for PC versions of EndNote, ProCite, and Papyrus. Work continues on a filter for the PC version of Reference Manager. Filters for MAC versions will follow.
  9. Previous 15/Next 15 buttons are now located both at the top and bottom of the cited search browse list.
  10. Hardware has been upgraded to a Sun 4000. Response time should be significantly improved.

This version of SciSearch� at LANL requires at least Netscape version 3.0. Access at (please note that this is a new URL.) Your past suggestions and comments have directly contributed to these enhancements. Please continue to send your comments to

Jeane Strub

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The Report Collection now has a copy of the new CD-ROM, September 1997 edition, of the "International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments". Access is limited to Laboratory employees. The CD contains forty-eight newly approved evaluations, and includes minor corrections for previously approved evaluations and notes revision status of each evaluation at the bottom of each page.

Donna Berg

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PRIS-PC: Power Reactor Information System Database is available!
The Library has processed the paperwork and overcome the software problems and is now able to offer access to this IAEA database. Information and data on worldwide nuclear power reactors has been collected by the IAEA almost since its establishment. Beginning in 1970 operating experience data was added to the file. PRIS is now the most complete data bank on nuclear power reactors in the world. The data covers general and design information on power reactors, and data on operating experience with nuclear power plants. Please call Mona Mosier or Jack Carter at 667-5809 if you are interested in using the database.

Donna Berg

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We have updated our binding system in order to better serve you. Holdings on our TELNET Online Catalog now state when a journal issue is at the bindery.

Our new binding web site gives you a list of all titles that are either

  1. at the bindery or,
  2. off the shelf, waiting for pickup to be delivered to the bindery,
and links you to the electronic journal if applicable.

This web site also tells you when your title will return to the library.

Before coming over to the library:

  1. Go to the Journal Home Page Do a search or click on a letter of the alphabet. The resulting page will have a link at the top to the binding lists.
  2. Check to see if your title is on either list.
  3. If your title is on the list, and there is not an electronic journal available, click on TELNET Online Catalog and go to the holdings of your title to see if your particular issue is at the bindery.
  4. If it is, go back to the web site, click on Contact, e-mail your article request to the Library Service Desk and your article will be obtained for you.
At this point you never left your office and your article is on its way to you within a day or so.

After browsing this site, please feel free to e-mail any of your comments/suggestions/concerns to We want to hear from you!

Deborah Acrey

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In SciSearch� at LANL when looking for records from a specific issue, use the source field and enter the source title along with the numbers of the volume and the issue. For example, to find records in Scientific American v.277 #3, enter "scientific american 277 #3" in the source field. The pound sign (#) must appear before the issue number. A few records will also be found where 277 is a page number. Do not use "Source, Exact" for this type of search.

Jeane Strub

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When using the online catalog, very often it is useful to follow links among similar material.

In the WWW version, most lines of a catalog record are hyperlinks. The hyperlinks appear underlined and in blue (or perhaps another color, depending on your browser settings). Use these links to find related material. For example, you have found a good book by an author, and other books or reports by the same person would be useful. Simply click on the author's name and a search of the author browse index is done. Linking is also very useful for topical searching. Locate at least one item on a subject you're interested in, by any kind of search, go to the Full display to see the subject headings on the record, and click on a useful subject.

In the telnet version of the online catalog, you can accomplish the same function by selecting the Extend search option at the bottom of a record display. The author, subject, etc. terms in the record are listed, and selecting a line number will execute a direct search on those terms.

Kathy Varjabedian

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Every month the Research Library adds valuable information for its users through our Web site. Check out the exciting new links added recently by going directly to New Items. New links include Sloane's On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences and a link to "Fat Man and Little Boy: Birth of the Atomic Age," a special exhibit by the American Airpower Heritage Museum of the Confederate Air Force.

Lou Pray

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11/4 Research Library Catalog via the WWW 1-1:30 p.m. register
11/5 Introduction to Electronic Library Resources 1-1:30 p.m. register
11/5 Research Library Tour 1-1:30 p.m. register
11/6 SciSearch Alerting Service 1-1:30 p.m. register
11/11 Grants and Funding on the WWW 1-1:30 p.m. register
11/12 Finding Addresses and Phone Numbers on the WWW. 1-1:30 p.m. register
11/12 Research Library Tour 1-1:30 p.m. register
11/13 InfoSurfing: Basic Web Searching Strategies 2-4 p.m. register
11/18 Environmental Resources on the WWW 1-1:30 p.m. register
11/19 Research Library Tour 1-1:30 p.m. register
11/20 Federal Regulations on the Internet 1-1:30 p.m. register
11/26 Research Library Tour 1-1:30 p.m. register

Classes are free, but you must pre-register by using the email links above to send a message to or calling the Library Service Desk at 7-5809. Please include your name, the date and title of the session, and your email address in your message.

Library tours are given every Wednesday at 1:00. Please call 7-5809 for more information. Special classes and orientations can also be arranged.

Sandi Blackburn

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Newsletter Editorial Team: Donna Berg , Jack Carter, Lou Pray, Kathy Varjabedian, and Eileen Vela.

To receive an electronic subscription to the Research Library Newsletter, sent the first of each month to your e-mail address, do the following:

subscribe lib-news end

The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter Coordinator, Kathy Varjabedian.

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4 November 1997 KV(MLM)