LANL Research Library Newsletter

February 1996

Do you know how to use the Electronic File information that appears in some citations of the Library's on-line catalog to access the full image of the citation? For more information contact the Report Collection Team at 7-4446 or send e- mail to
See end of Newsletter for publication and access information.

February 1996 Issue

$200,000 dollars will be transferred from the Director's Reserve to the Research Library for "enduring" collection purchases -- materials such as books and journals. This unprecedented assistance from Sig Hecker and Jim Jackson is a testimony to the strong support that was given to the Research Library by its customers over the last few months. We hope that the long term issue of adequate library budget support from G&A or other funding vehicles will be discussed further and resolved.

Rick Luce

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For regular users of technical reports, access to the LLNL Documents On-line database, available from the LLNL Web Server, may be a useful way to bring Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory reports to your desktops. The database currently contains approximately 650 reports in pdf format and new report image files are being added all the time. Locating reports in the database is by use of a WAIS search engine. While the approach is somewhat different to that adopted by the Research Library's Los Alamos Unclassified Publications database, the bottom-line is that this is a way to access an entire report from your desk top. Let us know your reaction if you try out the LLNL Documents On- Line database. Send comments to

Ken Collins

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Check out two new electronic resources on the Business Resources Page at the Research Library's Web site: Knight-Ridder Financial News, which contains the latest financial news from around the globe and highlights American, European, Asian and Australian Markets including credit summaries, financial reports and more; and CNN Financial News, which provides the text of top stories, Dow Jones Industrials and MarketWatch and links to Knight-Ridder Financial News. The latest issue of Fortune, plus the three previous, ones are also available under Electronic Texts, on the Research Library Web Page.

Lou Pray

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The size of the Los Alamos Unclassified Publications Database expanded substantially on January 29. It now contains 49,000+ records for publications issued 1943-1995. These records were extracted from the Energy Science and Technology Database and the Research Library's on-line catalog. The last of the 1995 and the 1996 citations should be loaded sometime in February. We are anxious for customer feedback on this database -- we would like to know whether this database is useful or not to you, what you specifically like or do not like. Send comments to The Library Without Walls Project Team.

Irma S. Holtkamp

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The Research Library has just sent out its first customer survey (named the QUartErly PAtron Service Assessment or "Que Pasa") to approximately 600 customers. We plan to survey one fourth of our customers every three months. The data from the survey will help us serve our customers better and aid the Research Library as we begin Strategic Business Planning. Questions or comments are welcome and can be sent to Sue Watkins or at 667-3063.

Sue Watkins

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The Research Library's Library Without Walls Project is beginning an exciting new effort to bring electronic versions of journals to patrons' desktops. The goal is to provide access to the full-image of a journal article complete with charts, tables, and graphs.

The first phase of this project is in collaboration with the publisher, Elsevier. We would appreciate your assistance in determining which Elsevier titles to receive electronically. Current print subscriptions to these journals will not be affected.

We are targeting the following four core competencies:

If you wish to look at and/or comment on the list of possible titles, go to

If you are interested in participating further in this project, by sharing your ideas on electronic journals, becoming an active tester, etc., please contact Nancy Sprague at 7-5809 by March 1.

Nancy Sprague

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New under Electronic Databases on the Research Library's Web page is the Research Library Databases link. This is a chart of all databases which may be used at no cost. The chart offers a description of the database and links to access if it is available for use outside of the library. The library has over 25 databases available free for LANL community. However, what is available from your desktop is only a portion of the electronic resources free to you from the Research Library. Check out this list for access to databases from the Aerospace CD to Standard and Poor's Directory of Corporations.

Lou Pray

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Newsletter Editor: Ken Collins

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The name and e-mail address of the Library member who contributed an article appears at the end of the article. If you have comments or further questions, please contact that person. If you have general questions or comments about the Newsletter itself, please contact the Newsletter editor, Ken Collins

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