October 1994 LANL Research Library Monthly Newsletter
ASK - Anomalous State of Knowledge: An anomaly in one's state of knowledge, or lack of knowledge, with respect to a problem faced. The start of the information retrieval process. Call 7-5809 or e-mail ref@lanl.gov to ASK.
1. Full-image and full-text journals on LIBNET
2. Alerts on STN
3. Gophering to the SEC EDGAR
4. The Scout Report
5. How to Find out What's New in Reports
6. Can YOU help US?
7. October training opportunities
1. Full-image and full-text journals on LIBNET
If you were checking our online catalog for the journal "Business Horizons" or "Administrative Science Quarterly," your search would be successful but looking in our print journal collection would not be successful. The location of these journals, as noted in the online catalog, is LIBNET. For a print journal there is a "shelved as" note to assist in the location of the physical item. For these electronic journals there is an "available in" note. Both of these titles are available in Business Periodicals database.

LIBNET can be viewed as the Library's new electronic branch. LIBNET stands for LANL Research Library Network. The public access terminals in the library are on LIBNET. Through LIBNET you can currently access our online catalog, MELVYL, UNM's online catalog, specialized databases, and the LANL gopher. Current access is limited to inside the Library building but work is progressing on extending access laboratory wide.

One of the specialized databases accessible through LIBNET, Business Periodicals, includes the full-image of over 450 business and management related journals. The purchase of this database was driven by the increase of business, management, and market related questions from Library patrons. To increase access to these titles, records are being added to our online catalog with the location of LIBNET. Soon records will appear for the 67 full-text journals in the specialized database, Computer Select.

Expect to see the location LIBNET more frequently while searching our online catalog as we extend the Research Library's electronic collections.

Frances Knudson, fknudson@lanl.gov
2. Alerts on STN
STN is this months' focus of the continuing series on alert services. STN International, the scientific and technical information network, is an online system that provides direct access to more than 110 scientific and technical databases. STN is the sole source of Chemical Abstract (CA) citations with abstracts.

Through STN you can access CApreviews, the current awareness database produced by Chemical Abstracts Services. By searching CApreviews, you can obtain information eight to ten weeks before the full document records appear in CA. CApreviews is updated daily with approximately 14,000-18,000 new and updated records. These daily updates, plus the fact that some citations appear in CApreviews only days after the original document has been published, mean that you can find references to original sources in CApreviews before they are available anywhere else.

The literature covered includes articles from over 9,000 scientific and technical journals, chemical patents, conference proceedings, symposia, technical reports and new books.

The alert can be run weekly and the results can be delivered to your e-mail address. The basic charge is $6.00 plus a fee for each record. The record fee depends on if you request the abstract and if the abstract is available. For chemists, environmental scientists, and material scientists, setting up an alert in CApreviews can be an effective, time- saving method for keeping current in one's field. Please contact the Research Library at 667-5809 or ref@lanl.gov for more details.

Frances Knudson, fknudson@lanl.gov
3. Gophering to the SEC EDGAR
SEC EDGAR is the Securities and Exchange Commission's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval System. It consists of the 1994 filings of public companies to the Securities and Exchange Commission that have been filed electronically. All companies listed on the American and New York Stock Exchanges are listed as well as 2,000 NASDAQ national market share companies.

A number of reports are included in the filings. Some of the more common ones are:

You may search the EDGAR archives by company name. Daily and full index files are available which are alphabetical lists of companies and the forms they have filed. EDGAR is still an experimental file and changes can be expected. Connect directly to "gopher.town.hall.org 70" or , on the LANL Gopher, select:

Internet via Gopher/Mosaic
Browse the Internet by Subject
Economics and Business

Jeane Strub, jstrub@lanl.gov
4. The Scout Report
Trying to keep current on web resources? The Scout Report just might make that daunting task easier. The Scout Report is a weekly publication offered by InterNIC Information Services to the Internet community as a fast, convenient way to stay informed on network activities. Its purpose is to combine in one place the highlights of new resource announcements and other news which occurred on the Internet during the previous week. A wide range of resources will be included emphasizing sources of interest to the research and education community. Each resource has been verified for substantial content and accessibility within a day of the release of the Report. The Report is released every Friday. The following are two items from the September 16, 1994 issue that deal with issues relevant to the laboratory.

GrantSource(SM) - Information about grant and funding opportunities is provided by the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Office of Research Services through their GrantSource(SM) Service. The GrantSource Service can search the full text of nearly 10,000 documents available from major funding sources. gopher://gibbs.oit.unc.edu:70/11/research.d/grants.d
gopher to: gibbs.oit.unc.edu

A National Software Exchange for the High Performance Computing and Communications community has been established to facilitate the development and distribution of software enabling technologies for high performance computing a wide availability of high-quality, public-domain software for high performance computers. The exchange promotes software reuse and collaboration and information sharing between universities, research laboratories, and industry. A prototype system is in place and can be accessed through the URL: http://www.netlib.org/nse/home.html

To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each Friday, join the scout-report mailing list. You will receive one message a week -- the Scout Report every weekend. Send e-mail to majordomo@is.internic.net; in the body of the message, type subscribe scout-report; to unsubscribe to the list, repeat this procedure substituting the word "unsubscribe" for subscribe.

To receive the Scout Report in HTML format for local posting, subscribe to the scout-report-html mailing list, used exclusively to distribute the Scout Report in HTML format once a week. Send mail to majordomo@is.internic.net; in the body of the message, type subscribe scout-report- html.

To access the hypertext version of the Report, point your WWW client to http://www.internic.net/infoguide.html.
Gopher users can tunnel to is.internic.net. Select Information Services/Scout Report.

This is definitely a source to check out during your next net exploration. *-----------------------------------------------------------
Copyright 1994 General Atomics. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report provided the copyright notice, this permission notice, and the two paragraphs below are preserved on all copies. The InterNIC provides information about the Internet and the resources on the Internet to the US research and education community under the National Science Foundation Cooperative Agreement No. NCR-9218749. The Government has certain rights in this material. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, General Atomics, AT&T, or Network Solutions, Inc. *-----------------------------------------------------------

Frances Knudson, fknudson@lanl.gov
5. How to Find out What's New in Reports
The Research Library's Report Collection distributes two publications to interested patrons on a free subscription basis:

WHAT'S NEW IN UNCLASSIFIED MICROFICHE REPORTS lists all new unclassified microfiche technical reports received from the Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) in the field of energy, broadly defined. The Report Collection receives from OSTI approximately 20,000 new reports in microfiche annually. The publication appears weekly -- the date on the cover reflects the shipping date of the microfiche reports. Please note that not listed are approximately 5,000 unclassified reports received annually from NASA.

WHAT'S NEW IN CLASSIFIED AND LIMITED ACCESS REPORTS is a quarterly compilation of classified and limited access technical reports cataloged by the Report Collection Team. Listings, which contain descriptive bibliographic information, are grouped by broad subject areas.

We are exploring how to distribute WHAT'S NEW IN UNCLASSIFIED MICROFICHE REPORTS electronically. Meanwhile, to subscribe to the paper version of either or both publications, contact the Report Collection (phone: 7-4446, fax: 5-0611, e-mail: reports@lanl.gov).

Ken Collins, kac@lanl.gov
6. Can YOU help US?
Do you have any of the following Los Alamos reports to donate? The Report Collection needs additional loan copies of the following popular unclassified Los Alamos technical reports:

Hydronuclear Experiments

Los Alamos Climatology

Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Los Alamos County, New Mexico

Nuclear Weapon Proliferation Indicators and Observables

MCNP: Multigroup/Adjoint Capabilities

If you have copies that you would like to donate please mail them to: Report Collection, MS P364. They will be added to the Collection and circulated as 28-day loan items.

Irma Holtkamp, isholtkamp@lanl.gov
7. October Training Schedule

4: Bioscience and Biotechnology Resources
6: Materials/Engineering Resources
11: Multidisciplinary Science Citation Index
13: Chemical Resources
18: High-Performance and Supercomputing
20: Earth and Environmental Systems
25: Physics/Weapons Resources
27: Business/Technology Transfer Resources

Please call the Research Desk at 7-5809 or e-mail ref@lanl.gov for reservations, to arrange a special session or tour or for more information. Each session is 30 minutes.

Marie Harper, mharper@lanl.gov

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