May 1994 LANL Research Library Monthly Newsletter
ASK - Anomalous State of Knowledge: An anomaly in one's state of knowledge, or lack of knowledge, with respect to a problem faced. The start of the information retrieval process. Call 7-5809 or e-mail ref@lanl.gov to ASK.
1. Alerts on MELVYL
2. New Reference Books for Lunch-Time Explorers!
3. The Encyclopedia of Applied Physics
4. STN Database Summary Sheets
5. Getting Ready for the Summer?
6. May Training Opportunities
1. Alerts on MELVYL
This is the first in a series of "current awareness" information possibilities available to LANL staff. These services are called by many names - alerts, current awareness, or, formerly, selective dissemination of information (SDI). An alert is a convenient way to stay current with recent journal articles on a particular topic, the work of a particular author, or the table of contents of selected journals.

As a LANL employee or contractor, one has access to MELVYL, University of California's online system. Through MELVYL one can access Current Contents, Medline, MAGS (magazine and journal articles), and NEWS (newspaper articles). The UPDATE command enables you to create a search in a MELVYL database to be run automatically on a weekly basis as new records are added to the database, with the results sent to your e-mail address. There is no cost involved in the service.

Possibilities include getting the table of contents from the Current Contents database for your favorite journals or getting new product developments from the NEWS or MAGS files for technology transfer opportunities. News articles regarding the national laboratories or defense conversion could be gathered from the NEWS file.

A MELVYL password is required to use the UPDATE service. This is true even for users via INFORM. Passwords can be obtained from Mary Ann Ross, 667-4177.

The first step in establishing an alert is to determine the search strategy, refining until you obtain the desired results. The strategy must be a one line statement but may contain AND's or OR's. Then use the UPDATE command. You will be prompted for the e-mail address to which you would like UPDATE search results sent. You may then enter your one line search statement. Some subjects may be covered in more than one database, so it might be appropriate to maintain an UPDATE profile on a particular topic in multiple databases.

For users experienced with the MELVYL system, "E UPDATE" will give more details for the UPDATE command. If you are not currently a MELVYL user, training classes are scheduled Wednesdays, 11:00 am in the Library. Special classes can be arranged by contacting the Research Desk, 7-5809 or ref@lanl.gov or if you would like some assistance in setting up alerts on MELVYL please ask.

Future articles will cover alert services provided by Dialog, STN, Lexis/Nexis.

Frances Knudson, fknudson@lanl.gov
2. New Reference Books for Lunch-Time Explorers!
Noon-time walkers see many plants and animals that they might like to identify. Stop by the Research Desk and use the National Geographic Society's "Field Guide to the Birds of North America" or the Audubon volumes on "North American Reptiles & Amphibians" and "North American Mammals." These volumes should aid in identification. We've also acquired some good handbooks for identifying wildflowers and grasses, butterflies and insects. These are shelved in the Reference area in the QK's and QL's.

Donna Berg, donna.berg@lanl.gov
3. The Encyclopedia of Applied Physics
In the QC's (REF QC5.E543) are the first eight volumes of a new major physics encyclopedia. The "Encyclopedia of Applied Physics" is sponsored by AIP, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Japan Society of Applied Physics, and the Physical Society of Japan. The encyclopedia "is designed to meet the needs of people at many levels who need a source of information on physics applications, more technical than a general-purpose encyclopedia but less detailed and extensive than a textbook." To date, LANL authors include Robert Jameson (accelerators, linear), Ray Engelke (explosives), John Rowley (geothermal energy), and J. L. Smith (heavy-fermion phenomena).

Frances Knudson, fknudson@lanl.gov
4. STN Database Summary Sheets
Are you a STN searcher? Understanding the file structure is a key to getting the most out of your searches. The STN database summary sheets describe the content, search fields, and display fields for a specific file. Each sheet contains an example record with each piece of information labeled. The STN database summary sheets can now be downloaded using anonymous file transfer protocol (FTP). Users can access either ASCII or PostScript versions of the 160 STN database summary sheets.

The FTP address is either info.cas.org or Users should log on as anonymous and use their Internet e-mail address as the password. A README file contains information pertinent to downloading of the files.

Frances Knudson, fknudson@lanl.gov
5. Getting Ready for the Summer?
Are you planning to have a special program hiree work for you this summer? Each summer, Los Alamos National Laboratory hosts numerous undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs and representatives from industry to work with scientists, complete dissertations or to take advantage of the laboratory facilities here. The LANL Research Library also provides "laboratory" facilities to the summer hirees, through its premier book, journal and report collections. Specialized CD-ROM databases, access to external electronic services and knowledgeable and helpful Library staff enhance the Laboratory's "laboratory" for information.

To aid employees through the complex data gathering process, the Research Library offers a variety of classes, tours and orientations on specialized topics. Interested to know what databases are available free from University of California? Sign up for a MELVYL class. Is your research area physics? The INSPEC database, created by the IEE/IEEE is the computer equivalent of Physics Abstracts, and is available free in the Library. Register for an INSPEC class to become more proficient in the search intricacies. For a general introduction to the Library, tours are offered on a regular basis.

In addition to the databases listed above, the Research staff offers classes covering aerospace, biological and environmental sciences, engineering, computer science, energy and more -- including use of Gopher! More databases should be added over the summer.

The schedule of organized classes follows, but feel free to contact the Library's Research Desk (7-5809, ref@lanl.gov or in person) to arrange for a specialized class. We look forward to introducing your "special hiree" -- and you -- to the LANL Research Library resources!

Marie Harper, mharper@lanl.gov
5. May Training Opportunities
Date : Database

3: Science Citation Index (1 pm)
4: MELVYL (11 am) UC's catalog and associated databases
5: Biological and Environmental Abstracts (1 pm)
10: Physics, EE and Computer Abstracts (1 pm)
11: MELVYL (11 am) UC's catalog and associated databases
12: Aerospace, Energy, Engineering & Metals Abstracts (1 pm)
17: NTIS (reports) database (1 pm)
18: MELVYL (11 am) UC's catalog and associated databases
19: Science Citation Index (1 pm)
24: Computer Select (1 pm)
25: MELVYL (11 am) UC's catalog and associated databases
26: Physics, EE and Computer Abstracts (1 pm)
31: Biological and Environmental Abstracts (1 pm)

Training is limited to 4 people at a time, so please register as instructed below. Sessions begin at times indicated and will last approximately 30 minutes. Gopher classes will be held May 5 and 19, from 10 am 'til noon. Class is open to 8 participants, so please register as instructed below. Please call the Research Desk at 7-5809 or e-mail ref@lanl.gov for reservations, to arrange a special session or tour or for more information.

Marie Harper, mharper@lanl.gov

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