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Quantum Sciences and Technology Group

(Obsolete see New Pages)

Trapped Ion Frequency Standard Trapped Ion Frequency Standard
    This new generation of atomic frequency standards was developed at JPL and is now being installed in DSN ground stations. Small size and high reliability also make it a natural choice to advance spacecraft capabilities to the ultra-high stability level (10-15 or better).

Photonics Photonics
    Reference frequencies are transmitted throughout the DSN by fiber optic cables. Semiconductor laser techniques now add a new dimension for ultra-stable transmission, conversion and generation of microwave signals.

Ultra-Stable Microwave Oscillators Ultra-Stable Microwave Oscillators
    Short-term microwave oscillators complement the medium and long term capabilities of present day atomic standards. Cryogenic sapphire and ruby resonators are used in the latest version that boasts continuous operation with a commercial cryocooler. 

Noise Analysis and Statistics Noise Analysis and Statistics
    Characterization of the stability for any frequency standard requires mathematical tools to analyze the noise processes that give rise to instabilities. Tools such as the Allan Deviation and Noise Spectral Density are evaluated as to their utility and completeness, and are implemented in our Test Facility.

Laser Cooling Laser Cooling
    One of the most exciting developments in physics over the past 15 years has been the use of lasers to cool atoms to ultra-low temperatures. We are developing a state-of-the-art laser cooling facility with the ability to cool and trap a variety of both neutral and charged atoms. 

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PublicationsFrequency Standards Laboratory JPL Division 33

Web Pages maintained by John Dick Updated 10/00