Medical Examiner's Office

The Medical Examiner's Office (MEO) investigates and determines the cause and manner of death in sudden, violent and suspicious deaths, including all homicides, suicides, accidents and drug-related deaths occurring in Philadelphia.The MEO investigates about 6,000 reported cases of death annually, of which almost 50% require a postmortem examination. Other functions include positive identification of all decedents, preparation of autopsy reports for the criminal justice system, providing expert testimony in court, notification of next-of-kin, and grief assistance for family members.

Medical Examiner's Office:
321 University Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Sam P. Gulino, MD
Chief Medical Examiner
(215) 685-7471

David Quain
Forensic Services Director
(215) 685-7450


Forensic Services
The Forensic Investigative Unit is responsible for assisting the Medical Examiner in identifying and notifying next of kin of unidentified human remains. Unidentified bodies brought to the Medical Examiner?s Office are usually identified within a matter of hours by fingerprint matches or by the more difficult means of dental and surgical records.

There are persons who we were not able to identify by current methods. It is hoped that the public can help us to identify these individuals.

If you have any information that might assist in the identification of any of the following individuals please contact Forensic Services Manager at 215-685-7445.

Caution: Some viewers may find the subject matter disturbing.
Click here: unidentified individuals

Servicios Forenses
La Unidad de Investigaci?n Forense (Forensic Investigative Unit) es responsable de ayudar al examinador m?dico a identificar restos humanos que no hayan sido identificados y de notificar a los familiares m?s cercanos. Por lo general, los cuerpos no identificados llevados a la oficina del examinador m?dico se identifican en cuesti?n de horas mediante la coincidencia de huellas dactilares o con los medios m?s complejos de comparaci?n de registros dentales y quir?rgicos.
Hay personas que no han podido ser identificadas por medio de los m?todos actuales. Esperamos que el p?blico nos ayude a identificar a estas personas.

Si tiene alguna informaci?n que pueda ayudar a identificar a cualquiera de las siguientes personas, comun?quese con el gerente de Servicios forenses al 215-685-7445.

Precauci?n: estas cuestiones o im?genes pueden herir la sensibilidad de algunas personas.
Haga clic aqu?: personas no identificadas