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Focus on Employees
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Focus on Employees

man with megaphoneKing County and the Health Matters team are proud to support Weight Watchers At Work meetings at King County worksites.


The King County Weight Watchers At Work program is a weight management program that encourages healthy eating, increased physical activity, and healthy weight management behaviors. To make participation easier for King County employees, one-hour weekly meetings are held at King County worksites. Each meeting is facilitated by a Weight Watchers-trained leader.


The King County Weight Watchers At Work program began in March of 2006 and has been positively embraced by employees.

Below are a couple of the many testimonials we've received about the Weight Watchers at Work program.

"Family and work fill my time, making it hard to get to a neighborhood WW meeting. With WW at Work, the meetings come to me! I’ve been more conscientious about my eating and I’m almost at my weight goal!"

“Of all the so-called "diets" out there, this is one that is recommended by both physicians and Healthy Incentives. It really helps to have a group to share weight-loss tips with -- as well as pitfalls -- on your way to weight loss. Also, the group is a great morale booster for when you do lose weight!”

If you have participated in the Weight Watchers at Work program and would like to share your story with other employees, please contact your group organizer or


The goal of this program is to provide onsite weight management to King County employees as part of the county’s overall strategy to control increasing employee health care costs by helping employees build and improve healthy life habits. This weight management program is part of the Health Reform Initiative efforts to encourage employees to eat smart and move more.

Find a meeting

How to start a meeting

Frequently asked questions

Summertime Tips for maintaining control

FSA and Weight Watchers Fact Sheet

5 Reasons why Weight Watchers at Work program works

Weight Watchers At Work fact sheet

Weight Watchers At Work flyers and posters


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  Updated: Aug. 6, 2008