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Human Resources Division Department of Executive Services

Executive's Mission

Ron Sims
The mission of the King County Executive Branch is to "enrich the social, economic and environmental vitality of the region by providing high quality and responsive public services."

Viewing government as an instrument of change, we envision "King County as a collaborative, responsive, innovative and progressive regional government."

We continue to value the diversity of our work force as the key to providing effective culturally competent services to our many communities. We also value the diversity of our many communities as a primary source of applicants for our work force.

We believe that diversity and equity are basic foundations of effective service provider teams, therefore, we:
  • work to attract and retain committed, talented and diverse work force capable of addressing complex challenges;

  • create bias-free work environments that promote diversity, equity, and productivity and where our employees and citizens can feel respected communicate freely, and contribute fully;

  • provide leadership, role modeling, encouragement, support and resources to foster innovation in meeting our goals, and to ensure the implementation of this plan;

  • hold ourselves accountable, make our results known, and celebrate our successes to further promote the values of diversity, equity and productivity; and

  • lead the region in addressing the effects of discrimination.

To assist in the fulfillment of this mission, the King County Executive Branch has established a Affirmative Action Plan with goals and timetables to correct underutilization and articulate a diversity friendly environment in pursuit of diversity, equity, and productivity values at the workplace.

Excerpt from the 1999-2001 KC AA Plan, Ordinance No.13572

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