HIV molecular immunology database

Study 4: HLA Typing and Epitope Mapping


This website contains supplemental data tables and sequences for

Kiepiela2007 Photini Kiepiela, Kholiswa Ngumbela, Christina Thobakgale, Dhanwanthie Ramduth, Isobella Honeyborne, Eshia Moodley, Shabashini Reddy, Chantal de Pierres, Zenele Mncube, Nompumelelo Mkhwanazi, Karen Bishop, Mary van der Stok, Kriebashnie Nair, Nasreen Khan, Hayley Crawford, Rebecca Payne, Alasdair Leslie, Julia Prado, Andrew Prendergast, John Frater, Noel McCarthy, Christian Brander, Gerald H. Learn, David Nickle, Christine Rousseau, Hoosen Coovadia, James I. Mullins, David Heckerman, Bruce D. Walker, and Philip. Goulder. CD8+ T-Cell Responses to Different HIV Proteins Have Discordant Associations with Viral Load. Nat. Med., 13(1):46-53, Jan 2007. PubMed ID: 17173051.

The immunological parameters were obtained in the laboratory of P. Kiepiela and P. Goulder in Durban, South Africa. The funding came from the NIH contract N01-A1-15442, "HLA typing and epitope mapping to guide HIV vaccine design."

The file lists all responses to targeted overlapping peptides (OLP) covering an entire clade C consensus sequence (410 peptides). From a cohort of 631 individuals, the strength of responses (spot forming cells per 1mio PBMC) is indicated for each responses above the cut-off of 50. Values above 1000 were derived from wells with more than 100 spots. The donor and donor's HLA are also indicated, with some HLA typings pending at the time of submission of this summary. The individuals were all recruited in Durban, South Africa, and were shown to be infected with clade C virus.

Known Problems


Peptide data: a list of the test peptides in the study.


Patient data: a list of the patients in this study.


Reaction data: a list of which petides showed a reaction for which subject. Includes SFC data.


The epitopes described by the study.

Last modified: Thu Jan 18 11:04:31 MST 2007

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