
MAA NumberADay: 1920
MAA MinuteMath
Devlin's Angle by Keith Devlin 
Should Children Learn Math by Starting with Counting?
Launchings by David Bressoud 
Launching into the Next Two Years
MAA Reviews 
Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry
How Euler Did It by Ed Sandifer 
The Euler Line
Card Colm by Colm Mulcahy 
What's Black and Red and Red All Over?
Resources for Undergraduate Research by Sarah Adams and Darren Narayan 
Practical Tips For Managing Challenging Scenarios in Undergraduate Research
The Mathematical Tourist by Ivars Peterson 
Statistical Wear
The Math Factor Podcast by Chaim Goodman-Strauss
What’s the Difference?
Bit-Player by Brian Hayes
Main Columns Page


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Latest Issue:
January 2009

News and Highlights

JMM 2009 Exhibition of Mathematical Art, First Prize: Goran Konjevod's "Wave," folded from a square sheet of paper, is a pleat tessellation with a peculiar symmetry and tension created by locking the edges to cause the corners to bulge in opposite directions. Photo by Ryan Miller, MAA.

Daily updated pictures from the Joint Mathematics Meetings

Calling All Photographers: We’re looking for math-related images for our “Found Math” feature. Send them, along with a brief description, to FOUND MATH GALLERY

An Interview with David Bressoud, New MAA President
Math in the News:
Discover Magazine Ranks Two Mathematicians among Top Young Scientists
Math in the News Archives
January Issue Now Available
Tools for Teaching Mathematics in the United States, 1800–2000
MAA's Bestselling Books of 2008
New MAA Book:
Biscuits of Number Theory
More Headlines
MAA Books on Sale MAA Bookstore PREP 2009

2009 PREP Workshops

MAA Carriage House MAA Carriage House
Egypt Tour MAA's Mathematical Study Tour of Egypt Posters Order MAA Posters:
"Women of Mathematics" and "Ethnomathematics"
Math Classifieds Looking For a Job? Math Classifieds

MAA Mathematical Sciences Digital Library

MATHEMATICAL TREASURES: An image from De Divina Proportione, by Luca Pacioli of a stellated dodecahedron.
MathDL Home Page

MAA Writing Awards:
1997 Trevor Evans Award
"A Perfectly Odd Encounter in a Reno Cafe" by Dan Kalman
Math Horizons, April 1996, pp. 5-7.
LOCI: Resources
Featured Applets:
“Standard Deviation Applet” by Kady Schneiter
“Mean and Median Applet” by Kady Schneiter