Dean Skelos

Welcome to the official website of the New York State Senate.

When we first opened the 2011 Legislative Session, my Senate Majority colleagues and I made a commitment to improve things in Albany. We said we would stop the over-taxing and over-spending, and break through the gridlock and dysfunction to create a government that truly functions in the best interests of the people. One year later, we have delivered.

We understand that New Yorkers want state government to cost less and work better. Hard-working taxpayers want to pay lower income and property taxes. Businesses are looking for more economic freedom to expand and create jobs. We didn’t always have a partner to achieve these goals. Now, working with Governor Andrew Cuomo, we do.

In 2011, we enacted an on-time, fiscally responsible state budget that closed a $10 billion deficit without raising taxes and fees, or increasing borrowing. We did it in a way that puts New York on a better path for the future, by cutting spending, reducing government bureaucracy and empowering businesses to create private sector jobs.

We also …