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Deposit Insurance Assessments

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New Institutions

Assessment Rates

    • A well-capitalized new institution without a CAMELS component ratings is assessed one basis point above the minimum rate applicable to Risk Category I institutions. The minimum rate is currently 5 basis points, so the current charge is 6 basis points or a quarterly multiplier of .00015 (6 divided by 10,000 divided by 4).
    • Once a new institution is assigned CAMELS component ratings, its assessment rate is determined under the financial ratio method or the debt rating method. For more information, go to: Risk Categories and Risk-based Assessment Rates.

    • The FICO assessment rate is set quarterly and is the same for all insured members, there is no difference in the FICO charge for new institutions. See FICO and the Assessments Invoice section for more information.

Initial Invoice
Newly insured institutions are assessed for the quarter in which they become insured. For example:

Date new institution becomes insured: June 1
First Report of Condition filed for quarter ending: June 30
First invoice due and payable September 30
Insurance coverage period of first invoice April 1 through June 30*

*The initial invoice is essentially pro-rated for the number of days an institution is open in its first quarter because of the daily average method of deposit reporting on its Report of Condition (see below).

Deposit Reporting
Any institution that became newly insured by the FDIC on or after April 1, 2007, must report daily averages, on an unconsolidated basis, in Schedule RC-O (Schedule DI for Thrifts) beginning with its March 31, 2008, Report of Condition. When daily averages are reported in the first report the institution files after becoming FDIC-insured the dollar amounts include the days since the institution began operations and zero for the days prior to the date the institution began operations, effectively pro-rating the first quarter’s assessment base.
Click here for more information on Deposit Reporting.

Change in 2010
Beginning in 2010, institutions that are less than 5 years old will be assessed at no less than the highest rate charged in Risk Category I. Exceptions may apply for: (1) new institutions owned by established institutions or holding companies with established insured institutions; (2) new insured institutions that were formerly credit unions; and (3) institutions that result from the merger of a new and an established institution. Please see the Regulations for more details.

Last Updated 08/22/2008 Assessments@fdic.gov

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