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projects > empirical studies in support of florida bay and adjacent marine ecosystems restoration > work plan

Project Work Plan

U.S. Geological Survey Greater Everglades Science Initiative (Place-Based Studies)

Fiscal Year 2004 Project Work Plan


Project Title: Empirical Studies in Support of Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Ecosystems Restoration
Project Start Date: October 1, 2002 Project End Date: September 30, 2003 (Continuing)
Project Funding: USGS's Greater Everglades Science Initiative (PBS-Enhanced), DOI Critical Ecosystems
Principal Investigator: Mike Robblee (USGS)
Email address:
Phone: (305) 242-7832 Fax: (305) 242-7832
Mail address: c/o South Florida Natural Resources Center, Everglades National Park, 40001 State Road 9336, Homestead, FL 33034

Other Investigator(s): Clinton Hittle (USGS); Joan Browder (NMFS); Maria Criales (CIMAS/NMFS); John Wang (UM)

Project Summary: This project supports restoration activities in south Florida by participating in the CERP process and through conducting original research. The Principal Investigator participates in CERP as a member (Seagrass Team Leader) of the Florida Bay Program Management Committee, as a member of the Florida Bay Florida Keys Feasibility PDT and as a member of the RECOVER Southern Estuaries Sub Team.

Project Objectives and Strategy: The objectives of these activities are broadly: 1) to develop and implement (with other agency members) a program of research to support the restoration of Florida Bay; 2) with other PDT members to develop and evaluate restoration alternatives for Florida Bay and 3) with other committee members to develop performance measures and assess restoration alternatives affecting Florida Bay, Biscayne Bay, Barnes Sound and Manatee Bay and the lower southwest coast mangrove estuaries.

Research activities include: 1) the CESI sponsored long-term study entitled "Temporal and spatial variation in seagrass associated fish and invertebrates in Johnson Key Basin, western Florida Bay, with emphasis on the pink shrimp, Farfantepenaeus duorarum"; 2) with Joan Browder the SFWMD sponsored study entitled "Biscayne Bay Coastal and Nearshore Community Baseline Study to Develop Biological Performance Measures" and 3) with Joan Browder, Maria Criales and Clinton Hittle the NOAA sponsored study entitled "Immigration pathways of pink shrimp postlarvae into and within Florida Bay". Respectively, the research objectives can be summarized as: 1) to document long-term responses of the seagrass associated shrimp and fish community in Johnson Key Basin to environmental conditions (e.g. salinity) and changes in seagrass habitat; 2) to develop performance measures relating the fish and crustacean communities of southern Biscayne Bay to salinity and habitat and 3) to evaluate postlarval immigration (seasonal timing and abundance) to and into Florida Bay in relation to environmental conditions and habitat. The pink shrimp is a species of special interest in each of the above studies because it has been chosen as an indicator species for use in restoration of south Florida estuaries. Empirical and experimental data developed in these studies will be used to support the development of a pink shrimp landscape simulation model and restoration performance measures.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Last updated: 30 June, 2004 @ 09:55 AM(KP)