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Jan. 28, 2008

Dunn Applauds “Donut Hole” Decision

Maple Valley should now be brought into the process

King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn today praised County Executive Ron Sims for his decision to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) on the County-owned property Maple Valley known as the “Donut Hole.” Dunn also called on the Executive to make the City of Maple Valley a formal part of the RFP process.

The Donut Hole is a 156 acre property owned by King County and used as a road maintenance facility. The unincorporated area is right in the center of Maple Valley and completely surrounded by the City. Based on a finding of “unique circumstances” involving a 276 acre property known as Icy Creek, King County had been in exclusive negotiations with the Yarrow Bay Group to sell the Donut Hole property.

“This is a positive step in the donut hole debate,” said Dunn. “The Executive can now take a step back and get a new perspective on this process. I think that’s the best thing for everyone at this point.”

The City of Maple Valley has been concerned for years that King County would sell the Donut Hole property to developers without any input from the City, leading to a development approved by King County that could overwhelm the city’s roads, parks and schools.

“Now is the time to bring Maple Valley to the table,” Dunn said. “The RFP should include the city in a meaningful way. There is no way that we can consider any development that doesn’t address the very real impacts to the City of Maple Valley. The RFP should reflect that reality.”

King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn represents District 9 including the cities of Bellevue, Black Diamond, Covington, Enumclaw, Kent, Maple Valley, Newcastle, and Renton.