Department of Natural Resources and Parks - DNRP, King County, Washington
March 18, 2008

Your idea for on-site spill ‘first aid’ response could result in a $10,000 grant from King County

A typical construction site that features several pieces of heavy machinery can easily become a clean-up site when hazardous materials such as fuel, oil and lubricants spill onto the ground. A quick and appropriate response to such spills can prevent them from becoming bigger – and costlier – problems to correct.

King County, in partnership with DBM Contractors, Inc., is offering a one-time grant of up to $10,000 to the organization that can develop and implement a job site spill response protocol for minor spills.

Among other components, the protocol must include what to do, what equipment to have on site and who to notify in case of a minor hazardous material spill. The protocol must be compliant with all health and safety regulations, plus spill response regulations, and must primarily benefit King County. Sample spill response kits can be developed as part of this project. 

Schools, special districts (such as a utility district), tribes, local governments and private non-profit corporations are eligible to submit ideas for this grant. Applications must be submitted by April 15. More information is available by contacting Ken Pritchard, 206-296-8265,, or by visiting the Grant Exchange Web site at