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News from King County Transportation
Release date:
Feb. 23, 2005

King County seeks proposals for development
near new Redmond Transit Center

The King County Department of Transportation (KCDOT) is planning to construct a new $7 million, state-of-the-art Redmond Transit Center on Northeast 83rd Street, just east of 161st Avenue Northeast. The transit center – which will be designed and built by King County Metro Transit – will include on-street bus loading and bus layover facilities. Financing to construct the transit center has been secured from Sound Transit and federal grants. 

The county currently owns the 4.8-acre Redmond Park-and-Ride lot adjacent to the new transit center site. The county would like to redevelop a portion of the park-and-ride lot with a mixed-use transit oriented development (TOD). 

The county will be requesting proposals for the project from developers in March. The first Request for Proposal (RFP) will involve selling air rights for residential development above a new park-and-ride garage. A second RFP – for the adjacent 3.5-acre parcel – will be focused on a mixed-use TOD development to include housing and retail.

KCDOT’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) group is soliciting the proposals. The TOD program has been successful in creating mixed-use projects that locate people near transit services and decrease their dependence on driving. Two recent projects include the Village at Overlake housing complex at the Overlake Park-and-Ride, and a retail-housing development with shared parking at the Renton Transit Center.

The overall goal of the TOD program is to encourage residential development of county-owned land near transit, offices, and shopping to increase non-motorized transportation, plus reduce traffic congestion and the need for road building. More information about the King County TOD Program is available at the program's website.

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Updated: Feb. 23, 2005
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