Director's Choice

Explore ice-free Arctic Ocean
Explore ice-free Arctic Ocean

With the melting ice in the Arctic, U.S. Coast Guard crews based in Alaska have taken on a new challenge: carefully deploying scientific equipment through cracks in the ice from an airplane hundreds of feet in the air. ...

Plan Ahead: View All

Oct 29
MG&G Lunch Semin ...

Understanding the planetary life support system... ...

Oct 29
Ph.D. Defense, 2 ...

Biological production in the Southern California Cu ...

Nov 02
Chem Ocean Lunch ...

Peak fossil fuel energy, an update ...

Nov 05
MG&G Lunch Semin ...

Paul Johnson, Oceanography ...


GIS Day at the ...

This November 14th, the University of Washington will highlight and ce ...

Physical Ocean ...

12:30 Wednesdays, OSB 425. Seminar organizer: Matthew Alford, malford ...

Explore ice-fr ...

With the melting ice in the Arctic, U.S. Coast Guard crews based in Ala ...

Welcome Back F ...

Welcome to the 2012/2013 academic year! ...


Cecilia Peralt ...

Congratulations to Cecilia Peralta Ferriz, who passed her Ph.D. defense ...

Andrew Shao, M ...

Congratulations to Andrew Shao, who passed his Master's defense on 15 A ...

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