U S D A and Rural Development Logos  Committed to the future of rural communities    

Rural Development

Housing & Community Facilities Programs

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Rural Development

Five Star Commitment To Expand Rural Minority Homeownership


Lowering Fees To Reduce Barriers to Minority Homeownership
Doubling the Number of Self-Help Participants By 2010
Increasing Participation by Minority Lenders through Outreach
Promoting Credit Counseling and Homeownership Education
Monitoring Lending Activities to Ensure 10 Percent Increase In Minority Homeownership


October 15, 2002 -- President Bush Hosts Conference on Minority Homeownership

October 15, 2002 -- Agriculture Secretary Veneman announced steps that the Department of Agriculture is taking to help achieve President Bush’s goal of helping 5.5 million minority families attain the dream of homeownership by 2010.

October 22, 2002 -- Rural Development Under Secretary Thomas Dorr unveiled USDA's aggressive plan to help achieve President Bush’s goal of helping 5.5 million minority families attain the dream of homeownership by 2010.

Self-Help Participation Chart

Administrator's Corner
Briefing Room
Civil Rights