Steps to Success

Factors Contributing Toward Success.   DOE’s success has resulted from strong top level leadership, ownership by career officials, broad communication and participation at all levels of the agency, including the field.
  • Strong, Consistent Leadership.
    The Secretary and Deputy Secretary have made management improvement a high priority and consistently used the President's Management Agenda (PMA) to implement needed reforms.
  • Established Management Council.
    The Management Council, which is chaired by the Deputy Secretary and consists of DOE’s top political and career officials, was established to oversee PMA implementation.   The Council meets monthly to discuss guidance from the President’s Management Council, review progress in implementing PMA initiatives and establish expectations for future action.
  • Designated PMA Executive.
    The Secretary designated the Associate Deputy Secretary to lead day-to-day management of the PMA and provide consistent attention to PMA issues.
  • Created PMA “Kitchen Cabinet.”
    To institutionalize DOE’s management reforms, a kitchen cabinet of career senior executives was established by the Associate Deputy Secretary to strengthen ownership of PMA principles in the career ranks.
  • Established PMA Initiative Owners and Task Forces.
    Senior career executives were designated to lead each of the five PMA initiatives.   These initiative “owners” report directly to the Associate Deputy Secretary on PMA matters.
  • Designated PMA Office and Laboratory Coordinators.
    PMA office coordinators were designated to help implement PMA initiatives in their component.   PMA coordinators were also identified at DOE’s national laboratories to ensure that major facilities contractors align their management practices around PMA principles.
  • Quarterly Performance Report.
    The Deputy Secretary issues a quarterly “report card”    that uses stoplight scores to assess each component’s performance in implementing the five PMA initiatives.  Components with yellow or red scores must prepare remediation plans, which are monitored by Associate Deputy Secretary.

Related Links

Energy Annual PMA Reports
Scorecard (exit Energy)