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Home > Industry Analysis > Research & Analysis > FDIC Future of Banking

FDIC Future of Banking

Future of Banking is a series of papers prepared in 2004 that examine the likely trends in the structure and performance of the banking industry in the next five to ten years, as well as policy issues associated with the changing dynamics of the industry.

Most links on this page reference Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Adobe Acrobat, a reader available for free on the Internet, is required to display or print PDF files.

Summary of the Study
The Future of Banking in America: Summary and Conclusions - PDF
(206k) | HTML

Banks' Role in the Financial System:
The Evolving Role of Commercial Banks in U.S. Credit Markets - PDF
(275k) | HTML

Regional and Other Midsize Banks: Recent Trends and Short-Term Prospects - PDF (228k)

Limited-Purpose Banks: Their Specialties, Performance, and Prospects - PDF (118k) | HTML

The Liability Structure of FDIC-Insured Institutions: Changes and Implications - PDF (222k) | HTML

The Number of Bank Organizations:
Consolidation in the U.S. Banking Industry: Is the “Long, Strange Trip” About to End? - PDF (228k) | HTML
Bank Branch Growth Has Been Steady -- Will It Continue? (178k)

Community Banking:
Their Recent Past, Current Performance, and Future Prospects - PDF (802k) | HTML

Rural Depopulation: What Does It Mean For The Future Economic Health Of Rural Areas And The Community Banks That Support Them? - PDF
(908k) | HTML

Payment System:
The Impact on U.S. Banking of Payment-System Changes - PDF
(118k) | HTML

Policy Issues:

The Mixing of Banking and Commerce: Current Policy Issues - PDF (177k) | HTML

The Changing Corporate Goverance Environment: Implications for the Banking Industry - PDF (194k) | HTML

The U.S. Federal Financial Regulatory System: Restructuring Federal Bank Regulation - PDF (148k) | HTML

Last Updated 10/27/2006 Questions, Suggestions & Requests

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