FEDERAL REGISTER: 54 FR 24789 (June 9, 1989) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA); Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) 25 CFR Part 200; 30 CFR Part 750 Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations; Federal Program for Indian Lands ACTION: Correction In rule document 89-12062 beginning on page 22182 in the issue of Monday, May 22, 1989, make the following corrections: 1. On page 22182, in the first column, the heading of the document was inaccurate and should appear as set forth above. 2. On the same page, in the same column, under SUMMARY, in the ninth line, "Those" should read "These". 3. On the same page, in the third column, under "A. General Comments" in the first paragraph, in the fifth line, "rules" should read "rule". 4. On page 22184, in the 2nd column, in the 2nd complete paragraph, in the 18th line, "Clarifying the OSMRE" should read "Clarifying that OSMRE". 5. On the same page, in the third column, in the third paragraph, in the fifth line, "case" should read "cases". 6. On page 22185, in the 1st column, in the 1st complete paragraph, in the 14th line, "(D.C. Cir. 1958)" should read "(D.C. Cir. 1985)". 7. On the same page, in the 3rd column, in the 2nd complete paragraph, in the 22nd line, "boundaries. including" should read "boundaries, including". 8. On page 22188, in the second column, under List of Subjects, in the fourth line "30 CFR 750" should read "30 CFR Part 750"; and in the fifth line, "Indian-lands" should read "Indians-lands". BILLING CODE 1505-01-D