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A woodland scene
Expectations Newsletter
A Newsletter about Elliott State Forest Planning
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These issues of Expectations are available from Coos District, or from the Planning Specialist, in Salem. 
  • Oregon Department of Forestry, 63612 Fifth Road, Coos Bay, OR 97420; 541-267-1775, FAX 541-269-2027.
  • Planning Specialist, Oregon Department of Forestry, 2600 State Street, Salem, OR  97310; 503-945-7258, FAX 503-945-7376.

May 2004 - Public comment period June 10 to July 9.
Contents:  Proposed strategies developed.  Public meetings set in June to hear comments.  Income from forest goes to Common School Fund.  Cost-benefit analysis to compare resource outputs vs. selling Elliott.  Proposed management basins based on watersheds.  Conservation areas tied to threatened species. Variety of structure developed for habitat.  Computer modeling projects volume, habitat outputs.  Revised strategies maintain, restore aquatic areas, Legacy components leave structure for next generation.  Progress toward goals examined by monitoring.  October 2003 watershed analysis suggests ways to improve quality.  Scientists review plan and find much to support.  Most recent public comments offer perspectives on issues.  Meetings designed for conversations about planning.  Timeline.

September 2002 - Comments due on Elliott State Forest planning by October 31, 2002.
Contents:  Input invited on planning ideas.  Revision reaches checkpoint.  Management certainty.  Revenue mandate for schools.  Management choices.  Approaches considered.  Reserve concept.  Riparian concept.  Structure concept.  Projected harvest volume.  Projected complex structure.  Elliott State Forest history.  Questions for public.  Revision timeline.

January 2002
Contents:  Study shows timber income important to SW Oregon.  Forest, habitat planning continues.  Guiding principles direct Elliott forest planning.  ODFW stream surveys identify good habitat, future projects.  Planners sort data to draft forest, habitat plans.  Harvest models compare broad management scenarios on Elliott.  5 species top songbird list of 63.  Watershed assessment supports revision process.  Amphibian survey nets comparison data.  Planners draft fish & wildlife list for HCP.  Timeline for revision process projects 2003 conclusion.  Radar surveying of marbled murrelets tested on Elliott.

May 2001
Contents:  Coast Range state forest benefits Oregonians.  Planning starts again to take broad look at Elliott State Forest resources.  ODF newsletter provides link.  Balance of issues raised at first public meetings.  Future opportunities abound for involvement, comments.  Surveys top "what´s next" list in collection of data.  Different harvesting models eyed. 

Page updated: November 27, 2007

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