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Gas - Environment - Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)
    Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Floridian Natural Gas Storage Project (Docket No. CP08-13-000)
    Issued: March 21, 2008

    FERC staff prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Floridian Natural Gas Storage Company, LLC’s (FGS) Floridian Natural Gas Storage Project (Project). The proposed Project would consist of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage, liquefaction, and vaporization facility in Indiantown, Martin County, Florida; approximately 4.18 miles of new 12-inch-diameter incoming pipeline and 24-inch-diameter sendout pipeline extending from the storage facility to the Gulfstream Natural Gas System, LLC and Florida Power & Light Company interstate pipeline systems; and a 2.75-acre metering and regulating station.

    The Draft EIS was prepared in coordination with our cooperating agencies for the Project which included the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

    FERC staff have determined that if the proposed Project is approved and is constructed and operated in accordance with FGS’ proposed minimization and mitigation measures, our recommended mitigation measures, and applicable laws and regulations; the proposed facilities would result in limited adverse environmental impacts. The primary reasons that the FERC staff concludes the proposed Project would be an environmentally acceptable action are:

    • FGS would construct the LNG storage facilities on a former industrial brownfield site that primarily consists of disturbed land and invasive exotic species;

    • The majority of FGS’ proposed pipeline right-of-way would co-locate with or parallel existing rights-of-way;

    • FGS would implement our Plan and Procedures and other plans, which would minimize and mitigate impacts to natural resources during Project construction and operation;

    • FGS would incorporate safety features into the design and operation of the storage facilities; and

    • FGS would implement an environmental inspection and monitoring program that would ensure compliance with all proposed and recommended mitigation measures.

    FERC Commissioners will take into consideration the staff’s recommendations and the Final EIS when they make a decision on the Project. The deadline for filing comments is on or before May 5, 2008.

  eFile your Comments

Electronically file your comments with FERC eFile your Comments on or before May 5, 2008

Updated: March 21, 2008