Maryland Department of Disabilities
Get Assistive Technology


What is the Equipment Demonstration & Loan Program?

The Equipment Demonstration & Loan Program allows people with disabilities, their families, and professionals to observe and try out devices.  The Equipment Loan Program lets you borrow equipment before deciding on what to purchase, to fill in when adaptive equipment is in the shop for repairs, or when waiting for delivery of ordered equipment.  Items are generally on loan for 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the demand for the particular item.  There is no fee to borrow this equipment.  For a complete listing of items available or to speak with an assistive technology specialist concerning the availability of assistive technology equipment, please contact us today!

Examples of Equipment Available:

Below is a sampling of the types of items available to borrow, just to give an idea.  Please call for specific items and for assistance in selecting an item to borrow.  (Sorry, computers are not available to borrow and computer software may not be loaned due to the limitations of licensing agreements.  We can provide you with demonstration disks to try out some software, however.)

Examples of Equipment for...

...People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing:

Large Visual Displays
Signaling devices
Assistive Listening Devices
Telephone amplifiers
Voice Carry Over Telephones

...People who have Vision problems:

Talking clocks/watches
Braille scribes

...People with Mobility Problems:

Hands free telephones
Environmental control units
Aids for daily living
Alternative Computer Mice
Arm/Wrist rests

...People with Difficulty Speaking:

Augmentative communication devices
Communication boards
Voice amplifiers
Telephone voice amplifiers

Who do I contact for more information?

For additional information or to make a loan, contact
The Maryland Technology Assistance Program
410-554-9230 (Voice)
800-832-4827 (Voice - toll-free)
866-881-7488 (TTY- toll-free)
MD TAP (email)

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