NOAA Logo, NOAA Satellites and Information, National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC). go to GEODAS page

GEODAS Icon GEODAS Data Download help button

By clicking the Compress and Retrieve Button you can collect all the files from your GEODAS Search into a single zipped or tar/gzipped file for easy download. Also, the data can then be accessed with free GEODAS Software. Or you can click the Retrieve Individual Files Button below and select individual files to download.

Help IconSearch KEY:

Windows    Macintosh    UNIX-LE (Linux-X86, etc.)    UNIX-BE (Sun, etc.) Help Icon

Include GEODAS Software Version 4.1.19 (8mb) Help Icon
Include GEODAS Coastlines Version 4.1 (24mb) Help Icon

Files are named according to the Search Key as follows:
[Key].lsl Listing of the Search Results
[Key].lss Concise Listing of the Search Results
[Key].a77 ASCII MGD77 formatted data file(s) 
[Key].a93 ASCII HYD93 formatted data file(s) 
[Key].b93 Binary HYD93 formatted data file(s)
[Key].xyz ASCII XYZ formatted data file(s)
[Key].h77 ASCII MGD77 Headers file created by Search
[Key].h93 ASCII HYD93 Headers file created by Search
[Key].h88 ASCII ARO88 Headers file created by Search
[Key].pdf PDF Composite Plot file
[Key].ps  Postscript Plot Composite Plot file

To save individual files to your local machine, click the Retrieve button below. You will see the file(s) resulting from your Search. You can click on your files with the Right (secondary) mouse button and then save them to your computer. If you don't see your Search files, hit the Browser's RELOAD Button to be sure you have the current state of the folder.

GEODAS Icon Button GEODAS Main Program Menu