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FHA Appraiser Roster

 Information by State
 Print version

What's New

NEW! The FHA Appraiser Roster Training Demo will walk you through processing your application, update or renewal online via the FHA Connection.

As of September 10, all processing of applications, renewals and updates is current.

Related Information

Training Demo
Roster Application
Application FAQs
Roster Lookup
Appraiser Home
Valuation FAQs

Want More Information?

We have many ways for you to get answers:
- Search the Knowledge Base 24/7 at http://faq.fha.gov
- Search policy documents at http://www.hud.gov/hudclips/
- Email hud@custhelp.com
- Phone FHA Resource Center

All FHA Roster Appraisers:

Effective September 12, the FHA Appraiser Roster renewal function will no longer allow "near" matches in license numbers for automatic renewals. Read more about this, or go to the instructions to update your information.

 -   Eligibility requirements
 -   I have questions about the application process
 -   I'm on the Roster...now what?
 -   Update my information
 -   Update my license or renewal
 -   How renewals and updates are processed

Eligibility requirements

Only appraisers who meet the eligibility criteria listed below may apply. An eligible appraiser must:

  1. Be a state-licensed or state-certified appraiser with credentials based on the minimum licensing/certification criteria issued by the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) of the Appraisal Foundation, and
  2. Not be listed on the General Services Administration's Suspension and Debarment List, HUD's Limited Denial of Participation (LDP) List, or HUD's Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System (CAIVRS).

NOTE: All applications must be made online. To begin the process, please be sure to read the Before You Begin instructions.

I have questions about the application process

If you have questions about the application process, please call (202) 402-2041 and leave a message stating your name, phone number and a brief message with your question. Calls are answered in the order in which they are received.

I'm on the Roster...now what?

Once you have been listed on the roster, you may begin to conduct appraisals for FHA insured loans, but before you do, there are a few things you should know.

FHA Roster Appraisers must have in-depth knowledge of and remain up to date on policies and procedures for conducting FHA appraisals. Here are a few things you can do to assure you comply with FHA requirements:

  • Review all policies and procedures in FHA's guidance and policy documents, which include handbooks, mortgagee letters, federal register notices and the Code of Federal Regulations. It is important to understand that policies and procedures in older handbooks are often updated and/or superseded by mortgagee letters or federal register notices. Be sure to always read the most recent guidance.
  • Attend a training session. Members of FHA's Homeownership Centers (HOCs) and field staff throughout the country conduct training sessions for appraisers on an ongoing basis. Get the latest information on policies, procedures and training events by registering for the Single Family Housing Homeownership Reference Guide and signing up on the Single Family email list.
  • Know where to call for help. All technical questions pertaining to appraisal policies and procedures are answered by Homeownership Center and/or field office staff throughout the country. To find the most appropriate person to assist you, contact the FHA Resource Center at (800) CALL FHA or (800) 225-5342 and request assistance from the HOC that has jurisdiction over the state in which you do business.

Update my information

In addition to technical know-how, as an FHA Roster Appraiser, you have certain administrative responsibilities including keeping your personal and business information up to date via the FHA Connection (FHAC). All FHA Roster appraisers must establish an FHAC user ID.

To apply for an FHAC User ID:

  • Go to the FHA Connection at: https://entp.hud.gov/clas/
  • Click on "Registering a New User"
  • Click on the "Appraiser Registration" link
  • Remember your password, you will need it the next time you log on to FHA Connection
  • Fill out the Appraiser Registration page and click "send"

To update your information once you have an FHAC User ID:

  • Go to the FHA Connection at: https://entp.hud.gov/clas/
  • Click on "Sign on "
  • Enter your FHAC User ID and password
  • Select "ID Maintenance" from the menu bar at the top of the page
  • Click “Appraiser Roster”
  • Change your information as needed and
  • Click “Send”

After updating, you will be allowed to attach the PDF version of the license or certificate, if required. The ability to upload a scanned copy of the license only appears if you change the expiration date, or if you add a State that is not already listed. If the expiration date has not been changed, or, you are not adding a new State license, the ability to upload is not needed.

You do not need to upload a license or certificate if your information matches the ASC or you are not adding an additional license from another state to your Roster record.

Update my license or renewal

Appraisers with expired licenses risk being removed from the Roster and must follow the steps below to assure continuous retention on the Roster:

  1. Upon receipt of state license or certification renewal, appraisers should verify that the FHA Appraiser Roster reflects the updated license or certification information.
  2. If the certification/license renewal number or expiration date are
    updated on the Roster, it is not necessary for the appraiser to submit a photocopy of the valid State appraiser's license or certification renewal information to HUD.
  3. If the most recent certification/license renewal number or expiration date differs from that on the Roster, the appraiser must submit a photocopy of the current license or certification, with credentials based on the minimum criteria issued by the AQB. Appraisers are encouraged to submit license or certification renewals online via FHA Connection as this will be the only method of renewal in the near future. Those who have difficulty renewing online may submit their license or certification via facsimile to (202) 401-0416, or regular mail to:

    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
    Office of Single Family Housing
    451 7th Street, S.W., Room 9270
    Attn: Appraisal Branch
    Washington, DC 20410
  4. Due to a recent audit by HUD's Office of the Inspector General (OIG), FHA must ensure that the license or certification number listed on the FHA Appraiser Roster matches exactly with the number posted on the National Registry of the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC). Appraisers may visit ASC's web page at http://www.asc.gov/ to compare their state issued license or certification number with that posted on the National Registry. Although FHA has not yet implemented this policy of exactly matching the appraiser's state issued license or certification number, as renewals come in our processors have begun to match the numbers exactly with that posted on the National Registry to assure timely renewals in the future.

How renewals and updates are processed

Requests for renewals or updates are generally processed within ten business days after receipt by FHA, however, because the reporting times from states to the ASC vary, and information on the ASC website must be used by FHA to validate appraisers' license information, delays in renewal or updates occasionally occur. In an effort to mitigate the effect caused by delays in state reporting, FHA does provide for a 30-day grace period. Appraisers who are concerned about delays in updates on the Roster should do the following:

  • Check your status on the ASC website.
  • If the ASC website does not contain your current license or certification information, contact your state appraiser regulatory agency to determine when they plan to send the updated information to ASC. Renewals cannot be processed until the state sends the updated information.
  • If the ASC website does show your renewed license or certification, but the FHA Appraiser Roster does not, you may call the FHA Appraiser Roster line at (202) 402-2041. Messages on this line are answered in the order in which they are received.
Content updated September 10, 2008   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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