Beamline Operations and Safety Awareness

Purpose: Beam Line Operations and Safety Awareness Training (BLOSA) is intended to reduce operational problems that sometimes occur at beamlines with new or infrequent users and to provide ESH information specific to the beamline.

Applicability: The BLOSA form is to be used for those individuals who will work on the beamline and who have already completed radiological training (General Employee Radiological Training or higher level) and the NSLS Safety Module. Users must receive BLOSA training for each beamline on which they work.

Training Frequency: BLOSA must be renewed every 2 years. Some beamlines, at their discretion, may require more frequent training intervals.

Who Provides BLOSA Training: BLOSA is provided by the staff responsible for the management of the beamline. Each beamline must designate specific individuals who are authorized to provide BLOSA to untrained users. These individuals must be listed on the beamline's BLOSA form in the space provided at the bottom. A BLOSA trainer must be trained by another designated trainer whenever possible - a BLOSA trainer should not self-train except under special circumstances.

Each beamline may decide how to provide the BLOSA training to users, including those who begin experiments during off-hours.

Implementing BLOSA - Yellow Safety Boards at the Beamline: Each beamline must have a yellow safety board posted in a conspicuous location at the beamline, usually on the hutch near the door. Attached to the board should be the following:

  • Facility Layout Drawing showing emergency egress routes from your beamline, routes shown in red
  • Beamline Management organization chart/list with contact information
  • Safety Checklist
  • Padlock Checklist
  • Vacuum Procedures
  • Clear pocket - for posting the current Safety Approval Form
  • A folder or pocket for depositing original signed BLOSA forms (for collection by OP COs).

If you need advice or assistance in setting up a Yellow Safety Board, please contact the NSLS ESH Coordinator.

Record Keeping: Completed BLOSA forms are formal training records. The form is collected by the Operations Coordinators (OpCos)twice each week Information from the record is entered into the NSLS User Database by User Administration. The Safety Approval Form (SAF) for each experiment will show the BLOSA training status for each user. The SAF is used by the OpCos to verify training and other information. Although not rqeuired, beamlines may wish to maintain a log of the training dates and names of newly trained users for training verification.

BLOSA Training Form and Template: The BLOSA form is undergoing a major modification. NSLS ESH staff will meet with the Local Contact for each beamline individually to review hazards and training requirements. The NSLS Training Coordinator will thereafter database the information, prepare a new BLOSA form in pdf format, and post the form to the NSLS website.

NEW BLOSA FORM: If your beamline is listed below, use this BLOSA form:

EXISTING BLOSA FORM: If your beamline is not listed above, use this template: BLOSA template file (MS Word). Delete any items that are not applicable to the particular beamline. Add any special topics necessary for the beamline. Refer to the BLOSA Guidance for explanations of required and/or suggested topics. When updating your form, refer to the Revision Log to make sure you incorporate important updates to the form. You may design a single BLOSA form for training on more than one beamline, but please follow these rules so that the training information can be entered correctly into the system:

  • If the same training is applicable to more than one beamline (e.g. a person trained on any one of X20A, X20B, and X20C is considered trained on all three), then all three beamlines must be clearly noted on the top of the BLOSA form. Do not just put "X20" - list all three completely.

  • If the same form can be used for either or both beamlines (e.g. X3A1 and X3A2) then it would be appropriate to put checkboxes in front of the beamlines at the top of the page, and to make sure the trainer circles or checks off the applicable beamline(s). Again, list the beamlines completely, do not put "X3A".

Questions and Comments: Please contact Andrew Ackerman or the NSLS Training Coordinator if you have questions or comments.