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HBO Addiction Project


The HBO documentary ADDICTION first aired Thursday, March 15 from 9:00 to 10:30 p.m. ET/PT. The 90-minute program, produced in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), is aimed at helping Americans understand addiction as a treatable brain disease and spotlights new medical advancements. 


The documentary explores specific elements of alcohol and drug addiction and recovery through the eyes of addicted persons and scientific experts working to better understand and treat addictive disorders.  Along with the centerpiece film, the HBO project includes 13 additional segments about addiction and a web site that provides additional information about addiction.  To obtain viewing information, visit 


Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), Faces and Voices of Recovery, and Join Together will conduct related events in some 30 communities.   More information about community events can be found at


News Advisory: NIH Partners with HBO on Groundbreaking Documentary on Addiction


Featured in the Film


Concerned about your drinking or another’s?


           What's a Standard Drink? [PDF l Español]

           U.S. Adult Drinking Patterns [PDF l Español]

           Strategies for Cutting Down [PDF l Español]

           Abuse vs. Dependence


The NIAAA Clinician’s Guide – updated in 2007


           For Health Professionals: Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much: A Clinician's Guide and Related Professional Support Resources


Interviews with Dr. Mark Willenbring, Director of the Division of Treatment and Recovery Research, NIAAA


           About Early Onset of Alcohol Dependence

           The Medical Treatment of Alcoholism

            Recovery-An Addicted Person’s Responsibilities



Related Materials


Web sites – more online resources related to alcohol abuse and alcoholism


          The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking – a Call to Action for Americans to address this public health issue.


          The Cool – NIAAA’s interactive site designed for young people, featuring FAQs, statistics, and other information.


  – NIAAA’s site for college students, parents, and administrators featuring research publications, fact sheets, news and other links.



NIAAA Resources


           Frequently Asked Questions About Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

       Alcohol Dependence (Alcoholism)

       Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Alcoholism  – an overview by NIAAA Director Dr. Ting-Kai Li.

       A Family History of Alcoholism - Are You at Risk? [PDF l Español]

       Make A Difference: Talk to Your Child About Alcohol - Parents Booklet [PDF l Español]

       Understanding Underage Drinking

     Parents--Spring Break is Another Important Time to Discuss College  Drinking [PDF]

       Alcohol: A Women's Health Issue [PDF l Español]

       Drinking and Your Pregnancy [PDF l Español] 


       Harmful Interactions: Mixing Alcohol with Medicines [PDF l Español]



Finding Treatment – Seeking help for yourself or another?


           Treatment Referral Information and Other Web sites 

           HBO’s Web page on Treatment



Clinical Trials – Interested in participating in a research study?


  – search the NIH database to find local clinical trials taking place around the country

           NIAAA clinical program –  a listing of clinical trials located in the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland


Updated: September  21, 2007

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