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The Hydrometeorological Prediction Center

2006 Storm Summaries


Previous Years:    2004    2005

Storm Summary description and criteria

Storm summaries provide both a summary of the significant weather which has occurred, and an HPC general forecast of the storm system over the next 1 to 2 days. Storm summaries serve as a central source for storm information which would otherwise have to be gleaned from a number of NWS Forecast Office websites.

Storm summaries are issued for significant large-scale storms which:

  • Affect multiple NWS Forecast Office areas of responsibility
  • Are likely to be of media interest
  • Impact large population areas, or major transportation systems, or otherwise make a significant impact upon the nation's or a region's commerce
  • Are usually snow and/or ice storms, but which may be rainfall events if they are causing widespread flash flooding, mudslides, etc.
If two or more separate storm systems are occurring simultaneously, a storm summary is issued for each individually.

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Page last modified: Monday, 08-Jan-2007 16:23:23 GMT