


The Biometric Consortium Conference was pleased to present an excellent program addressing all aspects of biometric technology development and applications. We were also pleased to offer attendees a special Biometrics Symposium on Research presented by the Biometric Knowledge Center at West Virginia University. Our conference was conducted over two and one-half days with a main session and two parallel session tracks

The Conference Program is provided below with links to the final presentations.

We offered a number of excellent Featured Speakers from Government and Industry including:

  • Dr. Eric C. Haseltine, Associate Director of Research, National Security Agency

  • Dr. Delores M. Etter, ONR Distinguished Chair in Science and Technology, Electrical Engineering Department, US Naval Academy

  • Dr. Joseph J. Atick, President and CEO, Identix

  • Dr. Gerald Santucci, Head of the Unit "Trust and Security", Directorate - General Information Society of the European Commission

  • LTG Steven W. Boutelle, Army Chief Information Officer / G-6


Monday, September 22, 2003


Regency Ballroom

Ballroom A

Ballroom B


Welcome/Opening Remarks
Jeffrey Dunn / Fernando Podio ,
Co-Chairs, Biometric Consortium


National Science Foundation Welcome -
Dr. Gary Strong, Program Manager, Computer and Information Science and Engineering,
National Science Foundation

National Institute of Justice Welcome -
Chris Miles, Senior Program Manager, National Institute of Justice  


"Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)" Welcome, Dr. Susan F. Zevin, Acting Director and Deputy Director, ITL

  An Overview of the State-of-the Art and Applications of Biometric Technologies”,
Peter T. Higgins, Principal Consultant, Higgins-Hermansen Group, LLC

This seminar covered the following:

*  Fingerprint recognition
*  Face recognition
*  Voice recognition
*  Hand recognition
*  Iris recognition
*  What biometrics are used for


National Biometric Security Project,  "Overview "
John Siedlarz Chairman and CEO, National Biometric Security Project


Biometric Symposium, "Overview"

Dr. Edwin P. Rood, Director, The Biometric Knowledge Center at West Virginia University

10:30am "Biometrics Role in Enhancing Homeland
Security Session
- Moderator: Kevin Hurst, Senior Director, National and Homeland
Security, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Special Topics - Moderator: Dr. Michael Yura, Senior Vice President, National Biometric Security Project

"Biometrics and Forensic Science: What's the Difference",
Max Houck, Director of Forensic Science,
West Virginia University

Implementation Issues and Challenges”,
Peter T. Higgins, Principal Consultant, Higgins-Hermansen Group, LLC

This seminar covered the following:

*  Factors that influence the performance
*  What are some of the challenges
*  Applications for Homeland Defense 
    (ICE & TSA)
*  The role of biometric standards

10:50am "NIST Legislative Mandates on Biometrics",
Dr. Charles L. Wilson, Manager, Image
Group, Information Access Division, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
“Building an Integrated, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Biometrics, Interoperability Platform”,
Wayne Kyle, Executive Vice President, Business Development/ R&D, Biocom, LLC.
11:10am "Overview of FRVT 2002 and Recent Face Recognition Evaluations",
Dr. Jonathon Phillips, DARPA and NIST
11:30am "Biometrics Science and Technology at the Department of Homeland Security",
Dr. Gary Strong, Manager, Behavioral and Biometrics Programs, Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology Directorate
11:45am "US-VISIT Program Overview", Jim Williams, Director, US-VISIT Program - Department of Homeland Security
1:40pm Transportation Security Industry Session - Moderator:
Rick Lazarick, Program Manager, Airport
Access Control Pilot Program, Transportation Security Administration  

Large Scale Identity Management - An International Case Study in Aviation Security”,
Jim Byrne, Senior Vice President for
Government Business, Daon
Biometric Testing and Evaluation Session– Moderator:
Dr. Jonathon Phillips, DARPA and NIST

"Reintroducing Watchlist Statistics”,
Duane Blackburn, Electrical Engineer, FBI
"Interactive Workshop: Developing a Targeted Biometrics Market Strategy",
C. Maxine Most, Principal, Acuity Market Intelligence

This workshop was designed for industry executives and sales, marketing and
business development professionals responsible for creating and executing
sustainable biometrics market dominance strategies.

Seminar participants:
* Learned the fundamental tools and techniques of a commercial process for identifying and prioritizing biometrics market opportunities.

* Applied the tools and techniques in real-world market scenarios.

* Had the opportunity to directly participate in a highly interactive exercise designed to provide hands-on experience with the process. 
2:00pm “Biometrics and the End User: A Case Study
on O'Hare International Airport”
John Becker, Director of Aviation Business,
Tyco Fire & Security
"Exploring the Use of Face Recognition
Technology for Border Control Applications - Australia's Experience”
Fiona Fraser, Director, Traveller Strategies Section, Australian Customs Service
2:20pm "2D Barcodes and Biometrics: The Secure Combination on Seafarer ID Cards",
Charles Lynch, VP Sales and Marketing, Datastrip, Inc.
Face Recognition Testing Results”,
Dr. Jonathon Phillips, DARPA and NIST
2:40pm "Operational Testing of Biometric Access Control Systems",
Valerie Lively
, Biometrics and Credential Technology Specialist, Transportation Security Administration
"NIST Fingerprint Evaluations",
Michael McCabe, Imaging Group,
Information Access Division, Information
Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
3:30pm Privacy Session - Moderator:
Nuala O'Connor Kelly, Chief Privacy Officer, Department of Homeland Security
Biometric Testing and Evaluation Session (Continued) -

“Biometric Testing: It’s Not As Easy as You Think”,
Dr. Valorie S. Valencia, Chief Executive
Officer, Authenti-Corp
3:45pm "Healthcare Privacy”,
Dr. Brent Lowensohn, Director of Research, Kaiser Permanente
"Status of US and International Biometric Testing and Reporting Standardization Efforts",
Ron Sutton, Senior Biometrics Project Engineer, Lockheed Martin Information Systems, Chairman M1.4 - Task Group on Biometrics Performance Testing and Reporting of INCITS M1
4:00pm "Biometrics and Privacy: The Constitutional Dimension",
Steven Goldberg, Professor of Law,
Georgetown University Law Center
A Look Beyond Data Exchange to Fingerprint Scanner Interoperability”,
Teddy Ko, Senior Software Engineer and
Scientist, Lockheed Martin, and
Dr. Rama Krishnan
, Senior System Analyst, Lockheed Martin
4:15pm "Biometrics, Privacy and Anonymity: Surveying the Landscape”,
Lisa S. Nelson J.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh  
4:45pm Featured Speaker
"The Future of Science and Biometrics",
Dr. Eric C. Haseltine, Associate Director of Research, National Security Agency
5:30 pm

End of Session


Tuesday, September 23, 2003


Regency Ballroom

Ballroom A

Ballroom B

8:30am Featured Speaker
"The European Approach to Biometrics",

Gerald Santucci
, Head of the Unit "Trust
and Security", Directorate - General Information Society of the European Commission
  Research Symposium – Moderator:
Dr. Edwin P. Rood, Director, The Biometric Knowledge Center at West Virginia University

Featured Speaker
"Biometrics: The Promises and the Challenges",
Dr. Delores M. Etter, ONR Distinguished Chair in Science and Technology, Electrical Engineering Department, US Naval Academy
9:00am Facial Recognition: The Pinellas County
Sheriff's Office Experience”
Lieutenant Jim Main, Pinellas County Sheriff's Office and
Scott McCallum, System Analyst, Pinellas County Sheriff's Office

“Recent Results in Human Identification”,
Rama Chellappa, University of Maryland

Algorithms for Combining Classifiers with Applications to Face Recognition”,
Yehuda Vardi, Professor and Chair, Department of Statistics, Rutgers University

9:30am Featured Speaker, "Identity Management"
Dr. Joseph J. Atick,  President and CEO, Identix
10:30am Real World Biometric Applications Session- Moderator:
Michael D. Hogan, Standards Liaison, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Technology Session- Moderator:
Dr. Michael Yura
, Senior Vice President,
National Biometric Security Project
Comparison and Combination of Visible and IR Image Face Recognition”,
Xin Chen, Graduate Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame
10:50am “Protecting our Nation: Biometrics in Government",
Robert Bucknam, Senior Vice President for Government and International Affairs, Cross Match Technologies Inc.,
Robert Christensen, Senior Vice President, Cross Match Technologies Inc.
"Evaluation of Fingerprint Readers:
Environmental factors, Human factors, and Liveness Detecting Capability”
Dr. Hale Kim, Professor, INHA University
“Modeling the Theoretical Performance Limits of Biometrics”,
Nathaniel Hall, Principal Engineer, Mitretek Systems Inc.
11:10am Integrating Biometrics into the Database and Application Server Infrastructure”,
Shirley Ann Stern, Principal Product Manager, Sever Technology, Oracle Corporation
Countermeasure Performance Evaluation for Iris Recognition Systems”,
Udo Mahlmeister, Senior Algorithms
Engineer, Iridian Technologies
Performance Comparison of Visual and Thermal Signatures for Face Recognition”,
Dr. Besma Abidi, Research Assistant Professor, The University of Tennessee  
11:30am "Progress Report: Business Case for Biometric Devices”,
Dr. Virginia Franke Kleist, Assistant
Professor, MIS, West Virginia University ,
Dr. Dick Riley, Assistant Professor, West Virginia University, CITeR

“Enhancing Facial Recognition with 3D Technologies”,
David Tunnell, VP, Government Solutions,
Genex Technologies, Inc.
Biometrics and Digital Keys”,
Dr. Colin Soutar, Chief Technology Officer, Bioscrypt Inc.
1:30pm The Emerging Role of Biometrics in Document Security Session – Moderator: "The Emerging Discipline of Identity Management " Ben Miller, President and Conference Chair, Inside ID, Inc.

"What AAMVA Needs: A Unique Identifier for a 300 Million Record System",
Richard Carter, Director, Technology Standards and Programs, AAMVA

"Who Steals My Purse...",

Joel Lisker, Senior Vice Chairman, Dudinsky, Lisker and Associates

Speaker Recognition Session – Moderator:
Dr. Joseph P. Campbell, Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory

"Conversational Biometrics: Breaking the
Sound Barrier of Secure Voice Applications"
Dr. Ganesh N. Ramaswamy
, Manager, Conversational Biometrics Group, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

"On the Deployment of Speaker Recognition for Commercial Applications:  Issues and Best Practices", Dr. Larry Heck, Vice President of Research and Development, Nuance

"Model Adaptation for Speaker Verification",
Dr. Kevin Farrell, Director, Speaker
Verification Technology, ScanSoft

"NIST's Assessment of Text Independent
Speaker Recognition Performance"
Dr. Alvin F. Martin, Mathematician, National Institute of Standards and Technology

"Advances in Speaker Recognition: Getting to
Know You"
Dr. Joseph P. Campbell, Senior Member
of the Technical Staff, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory

Poster Session - Oral Presentations

“Can images be regenerated from biometric templates?”,
Dr. Andy Adler
, Assistant Professor, School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa

“Challenges of Developing an Automated Dental Identification System”
Hany Ammar, West Virginia University

Reconstructing 3D Faces from Video and Range Data Using a Warping-based Approach”,
Dr. Besma Abidi, Research Assistant Professor, The University of Tennessee

“Optimal Decision Level Acceptance Rules for Multimodal Biometrics Systems”,
Dr. Bojan Cukic, Associate Professor, West Virginia University

Hand Silhouette Curvature Measurements as a Biometric Identifier”,
Damon Woodard, Doctoral Candidate, University of Notre Dame

Fusion of Biometric Signals”,
Dr. Paul Griffin, Chief Technology Officer, Identix Incorporated

“Current Fingerprint Analysis Methods is Their Non-Quantitative Nature”,
Charles Jaffe, West Virginia University

“Dental Biometrics: Matching X-ray Images for Human Identification”,
Hong Chen, Michigan State University

“An Empirical Study of Multi-mode Biometric Systems Using Face, Fingerprint and Voice”,
Dr. Hale Kim, Professor, INHA University

Study of Uniqueness of Fingerprints”,
Dr. Hale Kim, Professor, IHNA University

Securing a Restricted Site – Biometric Authentication at Entry Point”,
Eric Kukula, Graduate Student, Purdue University

“Secure Matching of Fingerprint Representations Using Smart Chip Devices”,
James Reisman, Siemens Corporation Research

“Large Deviations Performance Analysis for Biometric Systems”,
Natalia Schmid, Assistant Professor, West Virginia University

“A Comparison of Statistical Methodology for Evaluating Biometric Identification Devices – Preliminary Report”,
Katie Livingstone, St. Lawrence University

“Software for Statistical Error Rate Estimation”,
Nona Mramba, St. Lawrence University

“Image Deblurring by Tight Frame Algorithms”,
Lixin Shen, Research Assistant Professor, West Virginia University

"Robust Automated Face Modeling and Recognition Based on 3D Shape",
Gerard Medioni, Geometrix Inc.

3:30pm Biometric Interoperability Session – Moderator: "Biometric Interoperability, National and International Activities"
Catherine J. Tilton, Director, Integrated Solutions Group, SAFLINK Corporation, International Representative of INCITS M1 - Biometrics, US Head of Delegation to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics
Special Topics Session - Moderator:
Bruce Brotman
, National Biometric Security Project

 "Voice and Speech Tools for Corrections",
Dr. Judith Markowitz, President, J. Markowitz, Consultants

Poster Session - Students offered poster presentations.

Overview of Biometric Profiles and Their
Impact on Biometric Interoperability"
Michael D. Hogan, Standards Liaison, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology and INCITS M1 Biometric Profile Technical Editors,

John Neumann, President, Open Strategies, Inc.,

Fred Herr, Senior Technical Associate, Identification Technology Partners, Inc.,

John Eul, Principal, Business Solutions

"Applying the Biometric Fusion Approach to Trusted  Identity Programs",
Stephen Price-Francis, Vice President, Business Development, LaserCard Systems Corporation

"Description of Biometric Data Interchange Format Standards", INCITS M1 Technical Editors:
Creed Jones III, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Seattle Pacific University, Strategic Engineer, Sagem Morpho, Inc., Chair, INCITS M1.1, Task Group on Biometric Data Interchange Formats;
Dr. Colin Soutar, Chief Technology Officer, Bioscrypt Inc., INCITS M1 Vice-Chairman;
Dr. Jim Cambier, VP Engineering and Chief Technology Officer, Iridian Technologies, Inc., INCITS M1.1 Vice-Chair;
Michael McCabe, Computer Scientist, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology;
Dr. Paul Griffin, Chief Technology Officer, Identix Incorporated;
Rod Beatson, INCITS/M1 Project Editor, Signature/Sign Biometrics Interchange Format, President, Transaction Security, Inc.; and
Samir Tamer, Technology Physicist, Recognition Systems

“Research and Development in Biometric Anti-Spoofing”,
Dr. Kristin Nixon, Senior Scientist/Analysis, Lumidigm, Inc.


"Biometrics for Large-Scale Consumer Products",
Jean-François Mainguet, Biometrics FingerChip™ Chief Scientist, Atmel


  End of Session


Wednesday, September 24, 2003


Regency Ballroom

Ballroom A

Ballroom B

8:00 am

Featured Speaker
“Biometrics in DoD Today…Tomorrow”,
LTG Steven W. Boutelle
, Army Chief Information Officer / G-6

8:30am "Development of Standard Taxonomy for
Defining Biometric Applications”

Dr. Craig Arndt, Director of Biometrics Programs, Mitretek Systems
Biometric Security Session – Moderator:
Dr. Colin Soutar, Chief Technology Officer, Bioscrypt Inc.

Biometrics Security Techniques and Practices”,
Dr. Colin Soutar, Chief Technology Officer, Bioscrypt Inc.

"UK Government Biometrics Security Assessment Programme"
Philip Statham, CESG Biometrics Program Manager


Research Symposium (Continued) - 
Sample Size Calculations for Biometric Identification Devices”,
Dr. Michael Schuckers, Assistant Professor
of Statistics, St. Lawrence University
8:50am "Common Operating Environment (COE) and Global Information
Grid (GIG) Enterprise Services (GES)"
Robert Walker, GES Core Services Project Manager, DISA
“Driver's License Modernization Program”,
Steve Haynes, Principal, IA Strategies
A Study of the Accuracy of Face Recognition for Processing U. S. Passports and Visas,
Dr. Donald P. D’Amato, Fellow, Mitretek Systems, Inc.
9:10am From Hollywood to reality:  Biometrics are harder than you think”,
Catherine J. Tilton, Director, Integrated Solutions Group, SAFLINK Corporation, International Representative of INCITS M1 - Biometrics, US Head of Delegation to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 - Biometrics   

"Biometric Security: Spoof-Proof Your
Application and System"
Mira LaCous, VP Technology and Development, BIO-key International, Inc.
Estimating Fingerprint Deformation”,
Dr. Arun Ross, Assistant Professor, West Virginia University 
9:30am "Combating Identity Theft”,
C. Maxine Most, Principal, Acuity Market Intelligence 

 "Information Technology Security", Alice Sturgeon, Chair, Canadian Advisory Committee - Information Technology Security ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 International Liaison, Officer SC27 to SC37 and System Policy Architect & Manager Standards, SPYRUS “IBIT – Infusing Biometrics and Information Technology”,
Lydotta M.  Taylor, President, The EdVenture Group
10:40am DoD Biometrics Management Office Session - Moderator:
John D. Woodward, Jr.,
Deputy Director, DoD Biometrics Management Office

"DoD Biometrics Program Update"
John D. Woodward, Jr.
, Deputy Director, DoD Biometrics Management Office

Special Topics Session (Continued)-  Moderator: Russell Ryan, National Biometric Security Project

"The smart, secure way to pay - Two Real World Biometric Applications", John McNally, Chief Technology Officer, BioPay, LLC

“Time Series Detection of Perspiration as a Liveness Test in Fingerprint Devices”,
Dr. Stephanie A. C. Schuckers, Research Associate Professor, Clarkson University and West Virginia University
11:00am "Biometrics on the Common Access Card",
Min Chong, DoD Biometrics Management
"Common Criteria Evaluations for the Biometrics Industry",
Kathy Malnick, Senior Manager, Criterian Independent Labs
“Iriscode® Template Compression and Its Effects on Authentication Performance”,
Dr. Ulf Cahn von Seelen, Chief Scientist, Iridian Technologies, Inc.

"Air Force and DoD Biometrics Partnership",
Chris Crooks, DoD Biometrics Management Office/Booz Allen Hamilton

"Multimodal Biometrics",
Michael Thieme, Director of Special Projects, International Biometric Group

"The Biometrics Management Office Privacy Approach",
Michael Wendling
, DoD Biometrics Management Office/Booz Allen Hamilton 




Closing Remarks:  Fernando Podio / Jeffrey Dunn, Co-Chairs, Biometric Consortium