Developmental Disabilities Division

401 Fifth Avenue
Suite 520
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206-263-9061
Fax: 206-205-1632
TTY: 711 Relay Service

Department :Community and Human Services

Employment Services

The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities (State DDD) contracts with King County to provide an array of day program services. Programs are individualized and community based. King County Developmental Disabilities Division (County DDD) has the responsibility to assess system needs, administer contracts, and monitor service delivery. Employment programs for adults are the responsibility of King County.

See: Guide to Employment (PDF)

See: In House. Children's Hospital newsletter featuring Ta Yao, a young man successfully employed through the King County-sponsored Project Search.

See: Working Age Adult Policy presentation by Linda Rolfe, Director, Washington State Division of Developmental Disabilities to the Washington State House of Representatives Human Services Committee on June 30, 2008 on the history of the Working Age Adult Policy, current outcomes, and plans for future.

Employment Training Opportunties in 2008

Navigating the Employment System
A road map of support agencies, timelines, and resources available for individuals on a pathway to employment.

Employment Service Providers in King County
Contracted agencies that support people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain, and maintain successful employment.

Employment Resources Coordination
Assistance with understanding Social Security benefits, the impact of wages, and navigating the employment system.

Working Age Adult Policy
Promotes gainful employment in integrated settings in the community for working age adults with developmental disabilities.

Great Hires Video
Showcasing the benefit of hiring individuals with significant disabilities, this employer-to-employer video introduces viewers to local employers who have opened their doors to this valuable and often overlooked labor pool.

Employment FAQs
Answers to common questions about employment services.

Kevin's Law
Allowing students whose individualized education program continues beyond high school to participate in high school graduation ceremonies.

School to Work Project
A project to help students with developmental disabilities leave school with paid employment.

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  Updated: August 18, 2008