
41-G (13)

Pad 39-A (25)
13th Shuttle mission
6th Flight OV-99
2nd KSC landing


Robert L. Crippen (4), Commander
Jon A. McBride (1), Pilot
Kathryn D. Sullivan (1), Mission Specialist 1
Sally K. Ride (2), Mission Specialist 2
David C. Leestma (1), Mission Specialist 3
Marc Garneau (1), Payload Specialist 1
Paul D. Scully-Power (1), Payload Specialist 2


OPF - April 18, 1984
VAB - Sept. 8, 1984
PAD - Sept 13, 1984



Mission Objectives:

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October 5, 1984, 7:03:00 a.m. EDT. Launch proceeded as scheduled with no delays. Launch Weight: 242,780 lbs


Altitude: 218nm
Inclination: 57.0 degrees
Orbits: 133
Duration: Eight days, five hours, 23 minutes, 33 seconds.
Distance: 3,289,444 miles


SRB: BI-013
ET : 15/LWT-8
MLP : 1
SSME-1: SN-2023
SSME-2: SN-2020
SSME-3: SN-2021


October 13, 1984, 12:26:33 p.m. EDT, Runway 33, Kennedy Space Center. Fla. Rollout distance: 10,633 feet. Rollout time: 59 seconds. Landing Weight: 202,266 lbs.

Mission Highlights:

First flight to include two women, Ride and Sullivan. Sullivan first American woman to walk in space. Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) deployed less than nine hours into flight. Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications-3 (OSTA-3) carried three experiments in payload bay. Components of Orbital Refueling System (ORS) connected, demonstrating it is possible to refuel satellites in orbit. Other Payloads: Large Format Camera (LFC); IMAX Camera, flying for third time; package of Canadian Experiments (CANEX); Auroral Photography Experiment (APE); Radiation Monitoring Equipment (RME); Thermoluminiscent Dosimeter (TLD); and eight Get Away Specials.

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Last Updated Friday June 29 11:21:02 EDT 2001
Jim Dumoulin (dumoulin@titan.ksc.nasa.gov)