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The Cherry Blossom Web Camera is one of several webcams available on www.doi.gov.
As of Monday 11/14/2005 - 2:00 PM EST print
Daily Post Hurricane Gulf of Mexico Oil and Natural Gas Production Report
Department of the Interior - Minerals Management Service
Deep Sea Oil Platform
  • Hurricane Katrina caused nearly all of Gulf of Mexico crude oil and natural gas production to stop. Preparations for Hurricane Rita have also prompted the interruption of production as a precautionary measure.
  • 48% of crude oil and 37% of natural gas and production is still shut in.
  • 90% of Gulf of Mexico crude oil and 97% of natural gas that was produced prior to Hurricane Katrina is capable of being back online once pipelines and onshore facilities are deemed able to accommodate production. Damage assessments and repair time estimates are underway.
  • No significant spills from offshore oil wells have been reported.
Daily Gulf Production Measures Crude Oil
(millions of barrels)
Natural Gas
(billion cubic feet)
Pre Hurricane Production 1.56 10.4
Percent of Total Domestic Production 29% 19%
Peak Production Shut-in By Hurricane
Amount 1.4 8.8
Percent of Gulf Production 95% 88%
Today's Updated Shut-in Production
Amount .7 4
Percent of Gulf Production 48% 37%
Production Permanently Disrupted
Amount .017 .029
Percent of Gulf Production 1% 0.3%
Production Delayed On Damaged Facilities*
Amount .15 .2
Percent of Gulf Production 10% 2%
*15 production facilities had significant damage. Four of these facilities account for nearly all of the delayed energy production damaged facilities.
Preliminary repair time estimates are 3 to 6 months.
The information is based on company reports and may change as additional information becomes available.

For more information on MMS oil and gas shut-in statistics