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Start Content Website Awards

Health and Government Awards - 2007 & 2006 & 2005 & 2004 & 2003 & 2001

By Year:  2000 & 1999 & 1998 
By :  Web Search Engine and List

Click To Enlarge eHealthcare Leadership 2007 Award eHealthcare Leadership Awards
November 2007

Consumer General Health Site Category
Silver Award - Best Health/Healthcare Content.

Click To Enlarge eHealthcare Leadership 2006 Award eHealthcare Leadership Awards
November 2006

Healthcare Association/Professional Society Class
Silver Award - Best Health/Healthcare Content.
Consumer General Health Site Class
Silver Award - Best Site Design.

Click To Enlarge Connect for a Cure 8th Annual Technology Gala Award "Connect for a Cure" 8th Annual Technology Gala
March 2006

To benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Click To Enlarge eHealthcare Leadership 2005 Award eHealthcare Leadership Awards
November 2005

Division I: Healthcare Association/Professional Society
Best health/healthcare content.

Click To Enlarge Wolrd Wide Web Health 2005 Award The WWW Health Awards
August 2005
Bronze Award for My.Medicare.Gov Health Promotion/Disease & Injury Prevention Information for web site audience older adults only 60+ years.

Click To Enlarge Pioneer Award for Prescription Drug and Other Assistance Programs (PDOAP) Pioneer Award
June 2005
Pioneer Award for Prescription Drug and Other Assistance Programs (PDAP) on

Click To Enlarge Wolrd Wide Web Health 2004 Award The WWW Health Awards
December 2004
Silver Award for web site audience older adults only 60+ years.

Click To Enlarge eHealthcare 2003 Award eHealthcare Leadership Awards
October 2003

Distinction Award in recognition of an outstanding healthcare Web site for consumers and healthcare professionals.

Click To Enlarge World Wide Web Health 2001 Award The WWW Health Awards
July 2001

Merit Award for Best Managed Care Plan/Managed Care System Site.

Click To Enlarge NHCPI Award National Health Care Purchasing Institute
June 2001

National Health Care Purchasing Institute acknowledges health care purchasers for using their purchasing power to protect patient safety and improve health care quality.

Click To Enlarge World Wide Web Health 2001 Silver Award The WWW Health Awards
July 2001

Silver Award for outstanding Internet Site.

Click To Enlarge CEIT Award Center of Excellence for Information Technology
March 2001

Center of Excellence for Information Technology acknowledges a well designed and useful Internet site.

Click To Enlarge Bee Hive Award The Beeline
June 2001

Recognized as an outstanding Internet site.

Page Last Updated: March 27, 2008


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