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Last Updated: August 18, 2008

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You are here:Home Planning & Environment Environmental Analysis & Review Outstanding Achievement Award for Excellence in Environmental Document Preparation

Outstanding Achievement Award for Excellence in Environmental Document Preparation

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In order to promote efficient development of useful environmental documents, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has recently taken several steps to emphasize sound document preparation practices, with a particular focus on identifying best practices. FTA developed a handbook describing Keys to Efficient Development of Useful Environmental Documents. Additionally, the Outstanding Achievement Award for Excellence in Environmental Document Preparation has been created by FTA to formally recognize and showcase examples of effective and efficient environmental documentation practices currently in use. Submission of draft or final documents will be accepted annually.  The next deadline for document submission in 2009 is TBD.


To annually recognize environmental documents that are prepared consistent with prevailing requirements and expectations and achieve the objective of paperwork reduction.


FTA-funded project sponsors and their consultants. Award submissions can be either environmental impact statements (EIS) or environmental assessments (EA).

Nomination Process

Self-nomination is accomplished through submission by the project sponsor CEO or general manager to the planning director of the FTA Region in which the sponsor is located for initial screening.  Following initial screening, documents will be forwarded to headquarters for judging.  Any award submissions by consultants must be done through the FTA-funded project sponsor as directed. An eligible document should be submitted, together with a cover letter explaining how and the extent to which each selection criterion is met for the document.

Selection Criteria

Award submissions will be evaluated based on three equally weighted criteria:

  1. Content – Are the content requirements of the NEPA implementing regulations and relevant guidance satisfied?
  2. Utility – Is the document designed to be truly useful to the public and decision-makers?
  3. Practicality – Have procedures to reduce paperwork and delay been effectively employed?  (See 40 CFR §1500.4 and §1500.5

Number of Awardees

At least one award will be made in each of three population categories:

  • Over 200,000
  • Between 50,000 and 200,000
  • Under 50,000

2008 award selections will be announced at the APTA Annual Meeting in October 2008.

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