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The Road to Recovery 2005 Public Service Announcements

The public service announcements (PSAs) below are being made available to radio and television stations nationwide. Broadcasters are invited to request copies of the PSAs, which are available in a variety of broadcast-quality formats. To request these television or radio PSAs, e-mail or call 240-221-4361.

We are pleased to announce that the 30-second "Treat Me" psa has been chosen to be displayed on the Panasonic Astrovision, which overlooks Times Square in New York City. The English and Spanish version of the "Treat Me" PSA will be played back to back two times every hour for the entire month of August.

Television PSA's (English Versions)

Television PSA's (Spanish Versions)

Radio PSA's (English Versions)

Radio PSA's (Spanish Versions)

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Center of Substance Abuse Prevention Center for Mental Health Services Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Center for Substance Abuse Treatment National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month